Chapter 4-Breathe...Panic Attack

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Chapter 4
Breathe...Panic Attack

I am awake and I am trying to get up but something is holding me back. I start to remember what happened last night. I see Jake's arm around me and he is holding my hand. He is so close to me I can feel him breathing near my ear and his chest is with my back.

I am not sure what I should do I have to meet with my dad today he said that he needs to talk to me and it's important. On how much I hate when people say important I have to go.I look at my clock which is hanging by the white plane wall.
I realize that I have an hour until I meet my father in his office.

I take my arm away and turn around looking at Jake. I grab my loose arm and shake him trying to wake him up but he is one heavy sleeper. Then I start pushing him from side to side. I punch him twice slowly in his chest then I slap him slowly on the face.

He opens  his eyes and looks at me in surprise.

"What where you doing before I woke?"he says looking at me with a grin.

"Nothing just trying to wake you up.

"Hmm... why did you wake me up anyways?"

"I need to meet with my father in an hour and you are holding me."

As much as I would like to stay in bed the whole day I have to leave.
As he realizes this he pulls his arm away from me letting me loose.

"Didn't notice."

"I need to get ready. How are you?"I stand up from the bed and walk to my wardrobe I grab my underwear, bra,a shirt and shorts and head to the bathroom door.

"Fine I guess I am all healed up."

I don't exactly understand what he says but I take a shower, brush my teeth put my clothes on and go outside seeing him sitting down.
I take a look at his foot and take of his stick.

There is no scar or sign of his injury what did just...I shake my head not understanding.


Then I look at his other bruises and they are all gone.

"I just heal fast." Then he says.

"That just can't be possible..."still in shock I shake my head again and I realize that I need to go.

"Jake we will talk later I am not done talking to you so bye and stay out of trouble."

I leave the room and start walking to my father's office thinking of what he can talk to me about. Maybe he just wants to talk about the scars. I stand two feet away from a brown door with glass all around the room. I see my father sitting behind a table.

As I look through the glass I knock on the door.

"Come in" my father says.

I open the door and walk in looking at the office. It was big as almost my bedroom there was a sitting area of couches and a coffee table in the middle. Then I look where my father is behind a desk full of papers and files. He is writing on a sheet of paper when he lifts his head up.

"Sit down" dad says with a smile on his face.

"So I wanted to talk to you about some important things that  your mother hid from you and didn't want you to know." Not that word again.

"What...? we'll I am not surprised..."

"On what I am about to say to you is a bit too much to handle so try to stay calm and try not to panic.Ok?"

I don't like where this is going.

"Yeah." Making myself more comfortable in the chair so I try to relax.

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