Chapter 5-School

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Chapter 5

I am awake by the horrible dream I take a quick shower and change I start brushing my teeth. I don't even look at the mirror as she told me that I am the ugliest, filthy girl she has ever seen.

I go to sit on the bed as I feel pain on my waist I lift my shirt and see some deep claw marks. I remember the fight I had.

I decide that I better go downstairs and get some medication and check on my brother.

I get downstairs and as I enter I notice that there are only around ten people still in bed.

Drake's friend are already next to Drake I start walking to them when I reach them I faint. As I fall I open my eyes.

"Ahh... That hurts." I scream.
Dr.Elsa comes to me at once and looks at me.

"You are as white as a paper." She says.

"I have some scars can you stitch them up."

"Yeah sure."She grabs my arm and helps me on my feet.

Nick helps me to lay on a bed without falling again.
Elsa looks at the scars on my tummy. She has a worry look which I don't like.

"Elsa is everything ok?" I ask her.

She reaches to touch my scar but she gets burned. Everyone looks at me.

"How did that happen?" I ask Elsa who is holding her finger.

"Wolfsbane" everyone is giving me a blank face.

"What is..."

"Wolfsbane is a flower or herb for some it is poison to wolves and can be deadly."

"I need you to lay back and rest Emma."

I do as she tells me to.

"Do everything you can to save her." Someone says.

I feel pain something going trough my tummy a harsh object I can feel the blood coming out.

Then I feel something sharp like a needle going trough my arm and I pass out.

I open my eyes slowly I wake up to a sitting position I see no one in sight.

I get off the bed and go towards my brother's bed. I look at him for I don't know how much long. When someone comes into the room.

"Who are you?" The female says.

I turn and look at her.

"My name is Emma."

"Emma what are you doing out of your bed and next to my son."


"How do you know my name?"

"I am Drake's sister."

"Oh I am so sorry but since we haven't met I thought that you are some crazy girl who has a crush on him."

"It's ok nice to meet you."

"You too and can you explain to me what are you doing a few minutes ago you were sleeping."

"I just woke up."

"The injection that Elsa gave you is suppose to last around an other hour. Hmm."

"What should I do then?"

"Stay here I will go get Elsa."


I stay there alone for another five minutes when Elsa comes back down.

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