Chapter 14-Rules.Secrets.Lies

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Chapter 14

I start reading page after page.

First things first. The abilities of a werewolves are heightened senses, accelerated healing, enchanted strength, pain transference and memory transference.
Werewolves can smell, see and hear more better. They heal quickly from most injuries. They can jump, run, climb and react faster than humans. Werewolves are stronger than humans. They can absorb and alleviate pain from other people or creatures in other words they take their pain from them. Also they can transfer memories by inserting their claws into someone's neck. This ability can establish mind-to-mind communication and, with practice, allow for memory manipulation or erasure. They are also fast and a bite of a wolf can kill a vampire. Then there are the unique abilities. Some werewolves sense illness and others can inhibit their scent. Making them undetectable to other werewolves.

Weakness is the most thing that I like. Seeing wolves hurt gives me pleasure.
The effects of Wolfsbane can cause hallucinations, weaken, render unconscious or kill werewolves. Then there is Mountain Ash can form an impenetrable barrier to keep supernatural creatures in or out. Werewolves are powerless during a total lunar eclipse.
Then there is the silver and fire. Wolves can't touch silver. So silver can be used as dust or silver bullets.

A lot of wolves living together are called a pack of wolves. The leader called Alpha it's more like he is their king. The wife of the Alpha would be called Luna by the pack. She will be their queen. A pack without a Luna will be week and it will struggle.

Love for wolves. Wolves don't have a choice to choose who they want. They say that the Moon goddess put them with their mate for a reason and that they will always will be in love with each other.

Then there is the Beta the second in command and the Omega the third in command.
There are wolves which are called rogues. These are lonely wolves that their pack was attacked or they where sent away.

What is the most interesting is a Shadow. I have found through my research that this called Shadow is a wolf which hunts its own kind. It can be both gender and you never see it coming. As the name indicates this person is part of the shadows as no one ever see it coming. What ever this creature actually is it will always be one of them. A monster. Nothing different. It kills it's own like they kill humans.

In my opinion of being a Shadow I disgust being a wolf and will haunt them for ever until there is not one of them to live. Yes I admit that I am a monster.

The hunters of the wolves. They look for them by day and kill by night it always has been like that.

One of my hunters asked me a very interesting question.
Do they have rules?
Yes they do. Let me list them down. Every pack has its own rules and its own territory.
If someone pass the territory the punishment isn't always the same. It's either prison, torture, let you go, death or accept you one of them. Then there are other rules.
Like a wolf can't attack another wolf in its pack not even the alpha. Most of the pack's don't really take notice of this rule. Then for each pack there are other rules how to pay for disobeying and other things.

One can change the rules if it has enough power to make the alpha to do so unless they are the alpha themselves.

That's all I read since I got the information I needed. I put the book in its place and stand up from where I am sitting. What does he mean by enough power? Then I hear a loud noise from downstairs and I go to check who had just slam the door.

I enter the kitchen and see a mess. "Emma what are you doing out of your room?" My father ask angrily but at the same time trying to keep calm. I cross my arms on my chest. "You should have put more guards on watch." I answer.

"Emma go to your room!"He growls loudly but I am not afraid of him.


"What did you just say to me."


He growls even louder.

"I want to make it clear that when I order you to do something you do it."

"Well I don't care. I don't get to be ordered around. Specially by you."

He growls again. Now there is a crowd in the kitchen waiting to see what will happen next.

"You are in a bigger punishment now."

"No I am not. The rules are going to change." I hear gasps and chattering and I just smile.

"How do you plan to make your brother do that?"

"I don't need to force anyone to change the rules of this pack. Everyone in here knows that the rules are just cruel. The rules will be changed in less cruelty."


"No. No. No" I start pointing at him like a little child."That is not for you to decide but my brothers. He is the Alpha now not you."

Then there is silent.

"I accept." A familiar voice says from the crowd. "I as you alpha accept to have a meeting in change of rules in the main hall in thirty minutes." Everyone is looking at him in surprise. I am so happy that I succeeded. The meeting was held and all the rules change.

"Jason. I am giving you a second chance." I tell him as the meeting finishes.

"You are"he asks surprised I nod and he lifts me up and turns me around.

"So from where do we start?" I ask him. "Date tonight at eight meet me at the door."
He says as he puts me back down on the floor. "That means I only have two hours how am I going to manage?" I ask him.

"You will be just fine." He smiles at me as I am about to start getting ready.

"Wait where are we going?"I ask.

"It's a surprise. Just wear your usual"

As he says that I ran upstairs and start preparing. I take a quick shower I choose a blue dress which goes down to my knee and some wedge shoes. I prepare the accessories and sit down as I start doing my makeup and hair. I finish after an hour and put my clothes on. I add the last few things and I am ready.

I go downstairs and see him waiting. He is wearing a black skinny jeans with a white shirt almost casual but elegant. His brown dark hair is neat and his eyes. They are brown for the second time.

"Where are we going?" I ask curious as he takes my hand as we go out of the door.
"Not telling and you look beautiful my Princess." He says as he smiles at me. "Thanks you look good to. Come on I hate surprises." I stomp my foot like a stubborn little child as I walk and get into a fancy car.

"This is yours?" I say looking at him amazed. "Yes it is."

"It's beautiful." I say.

It's a black Lamborghini when I stop staring in the car. While we are on the road I like the wind going through my hair as it pushes it away from my face. I try to guess where we are going but I don't recognize this place.

The car stops and I look at him and he says. "We are here" he looks at me looking around us. "Where are we?" I ask." You'll see soon" he puts one of his hand on my eyes and the other one around my waist. We walk for about five minutes.

"Ready."he whispers in my ear.

"Hmm." I mumble. He takes his hand off and what I see is more than the word beautiful. How I love that smell.


To be continued....

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