Chapter 16-Darling

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Chapter 16

Black. Dehydration. Loneliness. Where am I? What happened? I open my eyes again but only see black. That color haven't left my mind now. I have no idea what happened to me? I force my eyes again open with more energy and I see a dot of light from that darkness.

The light fills my eyes and I can no longer see dark. I adjust to the light and see someone with a white coat moving around the room. I try standing up but with all the wires attached to my bodies. I am not able to.

The person realizes this and walks over the bed. He starts checking the monitor and schedules. This person is a doctor. What am I doing in a hospital?

"Emma, I am Doctor Ted your current doctor. You have been in a coma for a year now. Do you remember what happened?

"My name is Emma?"

"Yes you're name is Emma. Let's start from what do you remember."

"I..." I try to think hard to remember what happened? How I ended here? I don't even recognize my own name. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Let me start off for you. Your name is Emma and two years ago your mother was in a car accident and she died. You moved in your father's house and formed a relation with a boy. His name is Drake. Do you remember any of this?"

I shake my head and wait for him to continue.

"Well to tell you more you're a supernatural meaning that you have the abilities which humans aren't able to do. Drake your boyfriend took you on a date at a house that he built. You slept there while you where both sleeping intruders entered the house.

They kidnapped both off you and dozed you to keep you sleeping. You where captive for a long time we aren't sure the exact time. But Drake escaped and after a lot of tests we found out that he was being drugged.

He stills remembers what happened but unfortunately last week he disappeared again. The only thing close to him is a note saying that;

'We need more people.'

The police are no where close and all our concern is to keep you safe for now. Does this information rings a bell?"

"No. I don't know who is Drake and what am I?" I ask him.

"From the tests you are something combined with wolves and witches. There is also something else but it's a very weird a molecule mixed with the blood cells, iron and metal. For now we have to keep you here."

After the long speeches and questions I am put under the truth machine and still nothing. I have been telling the truth. I don't remember anything I only want my memory back or I at least start my new life.

At the moment I am on the bed looking at some judge and law tv show. I have nothing to do so better waste some time. Someone enters the door and I turn my face to the new doctor. He walks over the bed and pull the wires out.

What the hell? I look at him confused of what he is doing. He pulls something from his pocket and sting it into my arm. I feel a needle in my arm. My eyes gets heavy and I start seeing blurry. I try keeping my eyes open but I feel too weak.

The person pulls me up and throws me on his shoulder. I close my eyes shut and I think that's the last time I will be seeing the bed, this place and the white walls. What will be happening to me now I have no idea.

Will I meet Drake? Is this Drake? Where is he taking me? Am I going to die? I have no answers for this questions all I can do is wait to gain strength and wake up again.

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