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The bedroom was colder then normal. Spencer was still sound asleep next to me with a peaceful expression gently painted on his face. The hall light shined though the cracked door and the baby monitor that sat bedside table was spitting static. Sighing, I pushed myself away from Spencer and stood.

I smoothed Spencer's shirt out around my leg as I moved towards the exit. The light began to flicker when I made it to the bedroom door and my heart dropped into my stomach. I gave Spencer one last look, making sure he was still there, sleeping, and quickly moved down the hallway to the nursery. I knew that leaving Spencer alone was a bad idea but I knew he'd yell for help if something happened. Despite my hurry my feet still made almost no sound as they hit the carpeted floor of the hallway.

The door was completely shut, unlike when we went to bed. I couldn't force any air into my lungs as I turned the knob and pushed it open. The crib sat in the middle of the room. The walls were bare... no windows...nothing. I cautiously moved toward the crib even though my brain was telling me that nothing about this was right, and stared inside. Just like the walls the inside was almost empty, all that laid inside was baby blanket a carelessly tossed to the edge of the small mattress.

"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around I looked to where the man stood. He held the child that had been sleeping inside the crib in his arms. I tired to say something but no sound would come out. He laughed, an evil laugh that reminded me of the bad guys you would see in a movie, his eyes flashing the same color they did the night he killed my mother. His hand lifted and I felt my back collide with the wall on the opposite side of the room, I hadn't even felt myself move. My body began to side up the wall and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Like mother like daughter." He chuckled as I slid into the center of the ceiling. He placed the baby back into the crib that was directly beneath me and looked up with a wicked grin woven in between his lips. "Are you ready?"

Something began to cut through my stomach but I couldn't scream, I was completely paralyzed. Within the blink on an eye he was gone and heat began to wrap around my body, starting from my stomach and moving throughout the rest of me. All I could do was let the boiling blood from my stomach drip down onto the pristine white blankets that lied next to the faceless child. Flames began to eat at my skin and I head a piercing scream slice throughout the nursery before everything went to black.

"Addison!" My eyes shot open and Spencer was the only thing I could see.

Addison Winchester (Now Completed)Where stories live. Discover now