Chapter 25

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"You really got stabbed?" He asked, taking another large bite off his third piece of pizza. I nodded as I sat my paper plate down on the bed next to my legs. He may have only been living here for the last month, give or take a few weeks, but it was long enough to find a good pizza joint. After we ordered the food I started catching him up on the last five years.

"Yeah, the guy didn't bring the knife out until the last second. I would have seen it before hand but the second he pulled it out he used it." I shrugged

"You know we've had a lot of injuries growing up but being stabbed was never one of them."

"Well the things we dealt with didn't exactly use knives, so it makes sense." He nodded.

"And he didn't take you to the hospital? I understand you not wanting to go but if I some random dude that just watched a teenage girl get stabbed I would have gotten her help."

"I was aware enough to convince him not to take me to the hospital, I knew you guys were close enough to finding me that if I got signed into the hospital Dad would find me and I would have been right back to where I started. So I got him to help me back to my motel room and I patched myself up." I laughed at the memory. Spencer had been so freaked out, he kept going on about the risks of infections, that I might have hit a major organ and that I needed a doctor.

"So that's how the two of you got together?"

"Well, he kept coming back to check on me and I decided I liked him enough to stay and see where it would go." I folded my hands over my stomach and crossed my legs. Sam was sitting on the other bed. He didn't look anything like he did when he was younger. I was a little upset I didn't really get to see him grow up but he turned out alright.

"Did you tell him about the monsters?" I licked my lips before answering.

"No...Spencer is all about fact and reason...I don't think he would, no I don't think he could believe in the supernatural unless he saw it for himself." I shook my head. "I love him and I know he loves me and I don't want him to have to worry about the things that go bump in the night. I know that keeping that from him is basically keeping my entire childhood from him and it will come back to bite me in the ass but I'll cross the bridge when I come to it." I sighed and my mood dropped. One thing that I really don't like about being pregnant is the fact that when something upsets me it really upsets me. Like the other day Spencer told me there wasn't any cookies left and I burst into tears.

"Are you crying?" Sam asked, moving over from the other bed. I looked up at him confused before rising my hand to my cheek and sure enough they came back wet.

"These fucking hormones are driving me fucking crazy." I'm not sure if you can tell but I tend to curse when I get upset. Sam jumped at my outburst but sat down on the edge of my bed. He looked confused and I noticed that he also had the confused puppy look that Spencer pulled off so well. "If I cry for no reason one more time I'm going to kill someone." And just like that I went from sad to angry. I liked anger better then being sad. At least when I'm angry I can punch something and feel better.

"Hormones?" He asked.

"Oh I didn't tell you?" How the hell did I forget to mention that little tidbit of information. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh..." I wanted to laugh at his expression but that seemed rude. He looked down at my stomach and back up at my face. "You're having a baby?" The words sounded weird when he said it like that. A baby, didn't really seem real. Like I know that there is a small child inside of me but it didn't feel like a baby. It's hard to explain but I answered him anyway.

"I wasn't aware that 'pregnant' had any other definition." He thought about it for a second and I found myself already having a good idea of what he was going to say, "I'm sure there's another definition but Spencer is the only one allowed to correct me." I held my hand up.

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