chapter 41

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I could tell Morgan had a lot of questions, any sane person would. We got a cab to take us back to the park so Morgan could get the SUV and we would go back to the police station in that. He didn't mention anything while we were in the back of the cab, naturally. He waited until we were safely inside the car with the door windows shut and the doors locked before he asked anything.

"Spencer doesn't know, does he?" Of course that's the first topic he would broach, one that I really didn't want to talk about.

"No, he doesn't and I really don't want him to." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in the car seat. Dean's words kept running though my mind and I didn't know what to do. I wanted things to be good between us, but they never have been. We've always fought over everything, some more serious then others. This one's pretty serious and I know that it's mostly my fault, really all my fault if we really want to get down to it, but I've apologized and I can't do what he wants me to do. I can't go back to hunting. I'm not cut our for that life. I'd end up getting myself killed or just flat out killing myself.

"That thing, demon, have you been up against one before? What the other monsters? How many have you seen?" I held my hand up for him to stop before put it back around my other arm.

"One question at a time please. No, I haven't ever fought a demon before but I'm somewhat familiar with the lore, as for seeing other monsters I've met my fare share of creepy-crawlies." He was quiet for the rest of the ride, more then likely trying to piece together his thoughts. I don't blame him. When we got to the police station he turned off the car.

"I'll do my best to keep the heat off you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm pretty good at dealing with heat."


Well when we got inside Aaron wasn't messing around. He literately did everything but actually slap a pair of cuff on me. It didn't take him very long to get me in an interrogation room. I'm not sure what happened to Sam, no one let me see him but I trusted Morgan to do as he promised or at least try.

I kind of wanted to go back to Spencer but a the same time wanted to stay right here, at least here I a little of power when it comes to what they know. At least I hope I do. Aaron sat across from me with a file open in front of him. I didn't recognize the papers from where I sat but I'm sure they have something to do with me.

"How's Spence?" I asked. He had questioned me about what I've been doing but I ignored him.

"Worried and confused about the things you've been keeping from him." He folded his hands on the table, his face harder to read then ever. I would like to think he would have told me if something bad had happened but at his point in time, the only information I needed to hear was the crap that would make me come clean.

"I meant medically." I didn't bother covering the sass that followed that statement.

"Still the same as he was when you left."

"Thanks." It wasn't sincere.

"How's your throat?"

"Peachy." I leaned back in the chair and kicked my feet up on the table, this didn't seem to amuse him in the slightest.

"What were you and your brother doing at the park?"

"Sight seeing." I replied cheerfully. "The trees there are beautiful."

"You do understand that breaking into a federal crime scene is illegal?"

"I didn't break in anywhere."

"Agent Morgan said that's where he found you."

"Agent Morgan found me in the woods. I was no where near the crime scene. In fact the only time I stood inside that clearing is when Agent Morgan was kindly guiding me from the park." Now that was a lie but I don't like jail, too many fights.

"Addison, this would go a lot smoother if you just tell me what's going on. I want to help you, I don't think you had anything to do with this."

"To do with what? Spencer getting shot?" I took my feet off the table and leaned closer to him. "The fact that you're even using that to get inside my head kind of pisses me off but I guess that's the point right? Push me to the point where I say something incriminating? Or are you going with a softer approach, guilt me into pouring my guts out to you. Well Agent Hotchner I don't have any information that pertains to this case and anything else swimming inside my brain is none of your damn business." He sat quietly though my rant, waiting for me to finish.

"I'm a little more interested in what your father was involved in." He pulled one of the papers off the top of the file, turned it around and placed it in front of me. "This is a police report accusing your father of credit card fraud."

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about." Was my natural response, when in doubt deny it all. He ignored me, pulling out another sheet of paper.

"This a report that was filed by one of your guidance counselors who was concerned about your lack of attendance and some of the injuries you bought to school whenever you did show up."

"I didn't like school."

"Yet you graduated three years early."

"I didn't like school, doesn't mean I wasn't good at it."

"And the injuries?"

"My brother and practiced hand to hand a lot, it got out of hand sometimes." I shrugged, "families have different ways of bonding. Ours happened to be beating the crap out of one another."

"Your father just let your brother 'beat the crap out of you'?"

"If I couldn't handle it I shouldn't have been starting shit."

"You're still the gir-"

"My dad didn't didn't give a flying fuck what I was, if I was tough enough to be talking shit to my older brother, I was tough enough to get my ass beat. That is until I could kick his ass."

"You would be okay with you child beating up or getting beat up by their sibling?"

"Of course not, I didn't say it wasn't fucked up. The only time anything like that would be okay is if they were fighting to learn."

"You just said that if you were old enough to start fights you were old enough to get beat."

"That was me. Hopefully they wont be assholes like I was." I added while he pulled out yet another piece of paper.

"And what about this?" He pushed it in front of me. It was another police report, but this one was from the time I got caught stealing food from a store, much like Dean. Except I didn't get sent to a home. Dad blamed Dean for putting the idea into my head.

"What about it?"

"Why were you caught stealing food?"

"I was caught because I was stupid." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why were you stealing food?" He asked, rephrasing the question.

"I wanted it." I told him in an obvious tone.

"Why didn't your father buy it?"

"Because he didn't think we needed it. Junk food isn't a necessity you know?"

"I never really though Raman Noddles was a junk food."

"My father did." He was quiet for a minute.

"Addison, why did you run away?"

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