chapter 43

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I Looked down at his worried face, he didn't try and fight my attempt to keep him on his back but he did reach up to touch my throat. He brushed the skin softy like he was afraid of hurting me, he probably was.

"What happened?" He asked again, this time he was a bit more panicked. He pushed the button on his bed that lifted him up. I didn't stop him but I didn't remove my hand from his shoulder. I sighed.

"Nothing to bad." I told him softly. "How have you been holding up?" He ignored my question, moving his fingers around my throat, making sure to touch every centimeter of the bruising. He seemed more concerned about that then he did about me being MIA for about 24 hours, than again I guess it's all tied together in a way.

"Nothing too bad!" He looked at me with wide eyes that held a thousand questions I really didn't want to answer. I felt my stomach tighten and my heart beat pick up. "Those are hand prints! Did someone choke you?" He sounded outraged.

"Spencer calm down please, it wasn't that bad. I'm okay, the baby is okay, the only one not okay is you." I said in a firm voice, the one I used that almost always got my point across to him.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long did he cut off air supply?"

"Less then a minute."

"It only takes 11 pounds of pressure to collapse a windpip-"

"A paramedic checked me over and told me everything was fine." I assured him, pulling my leg up on the bed. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Hotch said Morgan found you and your older brother at the crime scene. He said that Rodney found you too." He looked at me with a serious expression and I knew I wasn't getting out of this one without a fight. I bit my lip and looked down at his chest, not wanting to look him in the eye. "Addison. Do you have any idea how stupid and reckless that was. What if things happened differently? What if you had gotten shot and lost the baby? What if you had gotten shot and lost your life? Then what would we have done. What would I have done?" He looked at me with such a hurt expression that I didn't know how to react.

"It's complicated Spencer."

"Addison-" his voice started out angry but he caught himself, "-you have told me that for the last four years, we're going on five. Do not trust me enough to tell me what's going on?" I licked my lips. He pushed his hand into mine and pulled on it. "Addi. We're having a baby together. We are starting our life with one another and I didn't even know about the times you got arrested, or why you really ran away from home. I don't know how you got the scar on your side or the one on your back. You never told me about Rodney or his kids despite the fact you considered them important family members."

"I trust you Spencer. I trust you more then anyone else."

"Then tell me." He pressed. "Nothing you have done could ever make me think differently of you." I glanced up at him and adverted my eyes, not liking the look he was giving me.

"Spencer please drop it."

"I'm finished dropping it. You're contently having nightmares, you wont answer the door without a gun pressed against it, you sleep with the same gun on the bedside table-"

"I didn't start doing that until after Rodney attacked." I defended.

"Not recently, but when we first met you did." He said moving his head so it was in my line of sight. "You had been calming down, you stopped carrying guns-"

"I stopped carrying guns because it made you uncomfortable and I was underage at the time. The only reason I don't now is because you want me to get some kind of permit even though Virginia has an open carry law."

"That's not the point Addison and you know it." I blew out a breath and didn't move my eyes from his chest. He waited a few seconds before he said anything else. "Addi, Aaron mentioned that he found some things on your dad..." Aaron is really starting to become a pain in my ass, but I couldn't say that, not without bringing more attention to the subject. "He said he found abuse claims that were filed by child protective services..." I felt the blood in my veins begin to boil. My father saved, no he saves lives. He doesn't deserve to be put in that category. He may be a bastard in his own right but he's my father and I'm the only one allowed to call him that with the exception of my brothers.

"My father never abused me." I told him in a low voice.


"No Spencer! The only reason my father ever laid a hand on me were to teach me how to protect myself, and sure, that may have gotten out of hand a few times but I'm a better fighter because of it. He raised us to be warriors Spencer, you don't get warriors by coddling."

"But you are not and you were not a warrior Addison, you are his daughter."

"You don't know what you're talking about Spencer."

"Then tell me. Explain everything to me so I can help you out of this. That's all anyone is trying to do Addison. Everyone is trying to help you but we can't do that if you wont help yourself. So we can get Rodney behind bars and get back to our lives." I stood up and he grabbed onto my hand in a tight grip. "Addison, just tell me." I had thought of this moment since the first time I slept over at his house. The moment when I would have to tell him about everything that goes bump in the night.

I knew that it wouldn't be an easy thing to do the second he spouted off the first random fact. That my word wouldn't be enough, at least that was what I thought. I couldn't lose him. Right now he's the one thing I can really count on to be there for me. The rock that a flooding river couldn't move but this could be the one thing that made it budge.

His hand tightened around me own and pulled me back to the bed. He didn't pull very hard but I wasn't fighting him at all. He somehow moved himself over and pulled me onto the bed so I was laying beside him, well with the way he had the bed set up I was 'sitting' next to him rather then laying.

"I'm trying to protect you." I told him. It wasn't till I heard my voice that I realized I was close to tears. I hated that I couldn't control any of my emotions and that everything made me want to cry. I hated that he was looking at me like I was a stranger. I hated that he was stuck inside this damn hospital because something was pissed off with me.

"You always protect me Addison, let me protect you for once."

"You won't believe me." My voice cracked.

"Yes I will."

"You can't promise that!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever it is we will find a way to make it work." He pleaded with me. It was so unspencer like to talk like this. He wasn't thinking clearly, I'm not thinking clearly, Morgan's not thinking clearly, hopefully my brothers are and I'm sure Aaron is. How the hell are we not dead yet.

"Please don't do this Spencer." I sat up completely and turned toward him, "you won't believe it Spencer, I know you. You would have to see it yourself to be able to full believe."

"Addison, you're not making any sense. If you tell me something happened then I'll believe you." He said.

"None of this will make any sense to you Spencer." I shook my head.

"Addi." He looked at me with a very firm look, one that I've seen in the mirror plenty of times before.

"Promise me that you'll think about this with an open mind." I said, angrily wiping at the tears that were falling from my eyes.

"I promise." He said and I looked at him for a long time.

" know when you asked me what my father did for a living and I told you that I didn't know? That I ran away before he ever told me anything?" I cupped his hand between my own and stared at them.


"Well what if I told you that he hunted down monsters for a living?" I glanced up at his face and saw it twisted in confusion.

"Do you mean monsters in the metaphorical sense?" He questioned.

"No Spencer. I mean werewolves, ghosts, skinwalkers, shapeshifters...demons."

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