chapter 48

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She looked at us with a look that said I shouldn't be where I was, though I didn't feel like moving. I happen to be very comfortable and Spencer isn't complaining so it shouldn't be an issue.

"You're heart rate got a little up there for a moment." She said raising her eyebrows and putting her hands on her hips. She was an older lady, probably in her late fifties, with light gray streaks in her hair and a face the screamed grandmother. She looked the women who would give candy to all the younger neighborhood kids. He gave me a look, effectively rating me out to the older women.

"Sorry." I said though my voice told everyone in the room that I wasn't that sorry. She hummed in sarcastic agreement and went to work on the rest of the machines and his IV's. She didn't ask me to move but I'm pretty sure it was implied so I did. I wanted to be on good terms with the nurses, if they were bitchy, I would be bitchy then no one would be happy. I needed to trust them with Spencer. I stood up and moved to the window and looked down on the street below. Cars were speeding by, stopping every once in awhile to make the red light. I wonder if the demons down there....I gave Spencer a look over my shoulder but he was talking to the nurse about the meds they had him on. The fact that he was being open minded about this meant a lot to me, I knew that even thinking of this as a possibility was more then likely casing a civil war in his mind. I chewed on the inside of my lip, this wasn't like Spencer, whatever Gideon and Morgan told him must have really changed something. I would have thought my word would mean a little more then Morgan's, nothing against him but Spencer and I have been together a lot longer then he and Morgan have worked together.

"How far along are you sweetie?" She asked causing me to jump.

"15 weeks." Spencer answered for me, he normally did that for me when things caught me off guard. My own brother hadn't realized I was pregnant, I hadn't thought a stranger would be able to tell. Then again he could have just been caught up in the fact he hadn't seen him in five years.

My confusion must have shown on my face because she said, "I've had six kids, I know what a baby bump looks like." My anxiety calmed until I realized what she said.

"Six?" I raised my eyebrows, I don't think I'd ever be able to handle six kids. I was having a hard enough time wrapping my mind around having one kid running around. She laughed at my face. Spencer was watching the both of us without saying anything. "I can't imagine having one let alone six." I shook my head and moved to sit in the chair next to the bed.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." She assured and went back to work. "Do you know the gender?" She asked.

"No." Spencer answered.

"I think we're having a boy." I said, shrugging. Spencer looked at me.

"We don't know anything for sure." He said. "There's a fifty/fifty chance."

"Well I feel like my thoughts have a little more wight considering he is inside me." I told him.

"You know, a study showed that mother's intuition when guessing the gender of the baby was correct 70% of the time." He said, going to prop himself up on his shoulder, though when he did that the day before it hurt him. Now he seemed to be alright, modern medicine works wonders but not like this.

"See! You said it yourself, I'm right." I let it go, not wanting to bring it up in front of the nurse.

"No I said you have a 70% chance of being right."

"Sounds like good odds to me." I shrugged again, smiling at him. "Wanna bet on it?"

"I'm not going to make a bet on the gender of our unborn baby."

"Why not? It's the most unriggable bet possible! Neither one of us can cheat!" I exclaimed leaning forward.

"Because..." He shook his head and thought about it, "I'm just not going to!" I rolled my eyes but didn't add anything. The nurse smiled at us before leaving and told Spencer he needed to keep his heart rate down. I picked up the paper from the floor and read over the text. Funny how things came come rushing back when they're right in front of you.

"Do you really think Rodney is a demon?" He asked, I wanted to question how he knew what monster I thought it was until I remembered the fact he finished the exorcism for me.

"Yes...." I debated on whether or not I should tell him about finding Rodney's body. He's already pushing himself so much just by listening to me. He must have seen the conflict on my face because he called it out.

"What happened?" I decided I've kept enough from him.

"They found Rodney's body." I told him, watching his face for his reaction. I saw a little bit of relief in his eyes, but it faded to confusion as he thought about it.

"That's not a good thing is it?" I could tell he didn't like asking, he didn't like the fact he didn't know the answer. I wanted to tell him that everything was fine, that dead meant dead, but that wasn't the case and almost never was. We're in my would now and I really don't want us to be.

"Rodney's been dead since everything that happened in Virginia." I said then explained, "when someone's possessed the demon takes over their body leaving them no control over the man that kidnapped me wasn't the man that helped raise me. One of the things a demon can do is maintain a body longer then we can, so when Rodney was shot he died, but the demon didn't." It wasn't the best explanation but it was all I had until I brushed up on the lore. I could tell he wasn't liking my answer but he didn't contradict it, in fact that made me a little uneasy. I glanced at his left wrist where the watch sat. There's no way he could be possessed when I have him protected. But still, rather be safe then sorry. "Give me your other hand." I said, extending my arm outward.


"I just want to check something." I shrugged. I'm pretty sure he no one told him about the symbol that I had engraved under the clock face but I couldn't be sure. The look he gave me said that he didn't know what I was up to but handed me his hand either way. I undid the watch and pulled it into my hands. It took me a second but I took it apart. Spencer made a sound of protest but I ignored him. That is until I saw the symbol had been scratched out, that didn't make sense though, if he was possessed then why would he give me the exorcism? My head shot up to him and even I wouldn't have wanted to be on the receiving end of that look. He gave me a face that said he had no idea what was going on and his heart rate was picking up again. I grabbed the bad Dean had brought me off the floor and opened it. The first thing my eyes came in contact with was a flask, I knew that Dean wasn't that big of a dick so it had to either be salt or holy water. Didn't matter though because I opened it and tossed the contents onto Spencer. Salt? Holy Water? Either would work.

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