Chapter 35

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It didn't take me long to catch Dean up on everything that happened. He waited for him to berate me about not realizing Morgan was there but he didn't. I don't know if it was because of the look that Sam was giving him or if it had something to do with the fact that I felt close to tears.

"So we're thinking some kind of shapeshiffter?" He looked between the two of us.

"I don't know, it seems to random to me." I said. I expected something along the lines of, you haven't hunted in years so hush. But Dean surprised me but nodding.

"What do you think it is?"

"I think that this is Rodney. I don't know how, I don't know where he came from or who. This thing sent me a message, this is personal, not some random attack." Dean nodded again.

"So zombie maybe?" I shrugged.

"Maybe. There's only one way to find out." I said.

"Okay then." He clapped his hands together and pushed off the table. "Come on Sammy, let's go check out this park."

"Their looking for Sam too." I said quickly. "They think I know how to find Rodney and I'm a possible victim. They know that Sam knows where I am." I pushed the book off my lap, stood up and pushed my thumbs into my front pockets.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that they know that I'm also trying to find Rodney and that the cops will more then likely be at the park waiting for me or Sam to show up and then detain us." He thought that over and looked at Sam.

"She's right." He said. Dean frowned.

"So you got the feds involved." He crossed his arms, "how the hell do you expect us to gank this bitch if you two can't leave this room without the freaking FBI arresting you?"

"You and I will go."

"How does that help anything?"

"Sam doesn't need an arrest by the FBI on his record. Mine is already trashed not to mention I'm good at running and not getting caught. If things go sideways I'll get the hell out of there."

"Addison, you haven't hunted anything in almost five years. And the year before you ran away you spent most of it healing from that damned werewolf attack, not to mention you're a few months away from popping out an actual kid."

"I know, but Dean. I need to find this thing." I took a step closer. "I can't just sit back and let you two fight for me. It was one thing when I ran away but not now. Not with Spencer almost dying and it destroying my relationship and the life that I'm trying to build for myself." He thought about it for a second before he answered.

"Fine, but you better stick to me like freaking glue. If I say jump-"

"I say how high, Yeah you got it." I felt a smile pull at my lips despite the fact that the thought of hunting left a bad taste in my mouth, but the thought of catching this son of a bitch made it not so bad.


Sam decided that all of us should get some sleep before we did anything. On one hand I agreed with him but on the other I wanted to get this over with. Dean went out and bought some Beer for him and Sam, I convinced him to get some Gator Aid considering I can't drink alcohol.

Sam closed the books and put them in a pile. I grabbed mine off the bed and put it on top. There wasn't anything we could do until Dean and I go to the park and take a look around. Sam waited until Dean came back before he decided to get in the shower. I gave him a look as he walked past my bed and he smiled and shut the bathroom door behind him. Dean slumped down in the chair that Sam had been in before and popped the cap off one of the bottles.

Neither one of us said anything for about five minuets. He drank his beer and watched me. I found it a little unsettling but kept quiet. I didn't want to start a fight, not after I was the one that called him for help. There seemed to be a little tension between him and Sam, not nearly as much as Dean and I but it was there. I didn't want there to be any tension. I wanted us to all get along, considering everything we've been through together. But I messed all that up when I ran away.

"So…" He drew the word out and lifted his feet to rest on the table. "How's the white picket fence treating you?" I sighed and leaned back against the headboard.

"It was treating me fine before Rodney came and tried to kill me." I shrugged. "What about you? Hows hunting?"

"Fine now that I'm not spending my free time looking for you." He tipped the bottle back. I think I need some ice for that burn. I chewed on the inside of my lip, not sure how to respond to that. I've already apologized so I'm at a loss. Dean's face remained blank. He waited a few seconds before he started talking again. "So this Shawn dude-"

"His name is Spencer." He rolled his eyes.

"Close enough, Dad said he's a string bean."

"So what if he's a string bean?"

"Dad said he asked him where he leaned to play poker and he gave him the whole history behind the game."

"That's just Spencer." I shrugged it off, I was used to Spencer's quirks and I've been preparing myself for this conversation since Dad walked into my house for the second time. "He was nervous, that's what he does when he doesn't know how to handle something."

"He 'handles things' by spouting off about things that no one else cares about?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You handle things by being a dick." I made sure not to add any malice to my voice as I said it. He gave me a sour face and I smiled. It took him a few minuets but he matched my grin. It wasn't as bright as my own and I could still see the anger that he had for me but it wasn't as present. Sam came out a minuet later, drying his hair with the towel given by the motel.

"Have a good shower?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never come out." Dean pipped up. Sam rolled his eyes and tossed the towel onto the other bed.


"Cop." Dean said. I didn't look up, I already saw him. I knew where he was, he couldn't see my face, not at the angle we were. I kept my head down and the jacket pulled loosely around myself. We couldn't afford for my face to end up on a tape somewhere waiting for Aaron and Morgan to find it.

"I see him." I told him quietly. We started walking towards one of the paths that led into the trees. I waited until we were far enough into the trees before saying anything. If it wasn't for the fact we were here to catch a monster I might have allowed myself to enjoy the scenery a little more. "So the park stretches for about five miles north and four east and west. Right now, we're in the middle." I said, pulling the map I had grabbed on the way in out of my pocket.

"Where did this thing go down?"

"I'm guessing in the part of the park that's closed to guests."

"And what 'part' is that?" He asked sarcastically, leaning against on of the trees and pulled out a flask from the inside of his jacket.

"Are you drinking?"


"Dean, this is serious."

"I don't tell you how to do your job." He took a large sip before pushing it back inside the jacket. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes.

"You can drink when we get back to the room."

"You're just jealous."

"Jealous of what?" I asked incredulously.

"That you can't drink."

"Whatever Dean. Lets just get this over with. I would really like to get a jump start of trying to put my relationship back together." It was his turn to roll his eyes but he took the map from me and started leading the way.

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