chapter 17

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Sitting on the counter was a dark brown package. A package that I don't remember putting on there and from Spencer's face I don't think he did either. I moved away from him and towards the kitchen not even bothering to say anything. It wasn't until I was standing right in front of it that I saw my name in big block letters on the top in a handwriting I knew all too well.

"Don't open it!" Spencer exclaimed swatting my hands away from the box.

"Why not?"

"You don't know what's inside! We need to call the cops." I grabbed him as he went to grab the phone. I squashed the urge to say that he was police. I didn't really want him to explain the difference to me at the moment.

I set the paper down on the counter next to the box and reached inside. A laugh burst out of my throat as what came out. It was a tiny leather jacket fit for a baby. I turned around and held it up for Spencer even though I knew he could already see it.

"Spencer, I know who its from." That stopped him dead in his tracks and he turned to me what that confused puppy face that only him and my younger brother seem to be able to pull off. The look was obviously telling me to tell him where the thing came from but I was to eager to see inside. I moved around him so I was facing the box and pulled it open. It wasn't taped shut, not that I was really surprised, why tape it when someone is going to open it? It's not like they put it through the mail.

I could practically feel Spencer's anxiety as I pulled out the folded up piece of paper that sat just under the flaps of cardboard. There wasn't any writing on the folded part but I got the point. Spencer was breathing over my neck and I'm sure he finished reading the note before I even began, not that there was much to read.

Don't do anything stupid,


Under that was his contact information as well as Sam's and he didn't need to write down what he meant for me to understand. What the note really meant was, if you need me call me, don' t let your pride get in the way. And him leaving Sam's info was his way of telling me to take care of him.

"Oh my god." I couldn't stop laughing. It must have been the hormones because all I wanted to do was find my dad and hug him and that's just not how this family operates. No chick flick moments allowed. Even to this day I still don't know how to deal with them so I just laughed.

"What does this mean?" Spencer asked. Normally it's me who has to ask that.

"It means that I haven't completely lost my family."


"I still don't understand how they got in." Spencer was pacing around our apartment like a mad man. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that they broke in. I guess in Spencer world you don't break into your family's home and leave without telling anyone.

"I'm telling you, they picked the lock." I said for the hundredth time, throwing my head back against the couch's armrest for emphasis.

"But why? Why couldn't they just wait until we got home and given it to you then? It just doesn't make any sense."

"Spence, it makes perfect sense. They didn't wait until we got home because they were doing what I told them to do. I told them to get out of my life and knocking on my door is the complete opposite." I tossed one of the throw pillows at his head.


"They're throw pillows, its in the name Spencer. Anyway to them it's not breaking in. I'm not sure what they think it is but there is no such thing as privacy when it comes to the Winchesters." After I had gotten over the baby jacket I had went to pull on one of his shirts and when I came back he had been looking for signs of forced entry, not that he found any.

"What do you mean there's no such thing as privacy?"

"We grew up sharing crappy motel rooms. I was sleeping in the same bad as my brother since I was a toddler, the only time I ever had to myself was when I took a shower, even they we only had fifteen minuets before we had to get out so the next person could have a turn." I stood up and grabbed him only to pull him back to the couch. "Stop thinking about it, it will drive you nuts."

"In order to drive someone crazy you would,"

"You know what I mean." I sounded tired but I made sure to say it with a smile. He looked at me for a few minuets and I wasn't really sure what he was seeing. My hair was more then likely all over the place and I can only imagine how tired my face looks. His shirt literally left nothing to the imagination, not that it really mattered, I'm sure Spencer could draw me blindfolded if he really wanted to.

The way he was looking at me was surprising. He was looking up and down my body, much like he was doing earlier. Most of the time Spencer never looked at me like that unless I made it perfectly clear that that was what I wanted him to do. Its not that he's not attracted to me, its just that he's always respectful and not one for taking the first step.

"We should go to bed." He finally said. He stood and offered his hand to me. I looked at his hand and then at him. Part of me was to tired for this but the other part didn't care and I agreed more with the latter.

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