Chapter 38

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Less then five seconds later Morgan had pushed me down behind a tree. It took me a second to wrap my mind around what happened. I heard Dean yell my name form a distance and I mentally cursed. What part of him getting out of here does he not understand? Morgan was covering me, forcing me a lot closer to the tree then I really wanted to be.

I could hear someone running though the forest but I couldn't tell if it was Dean or whoever shot at me. Morgan had his gun drawn and was looking around the tree. I forced my hand behind my back and grabbed my own gun and pulled it out. Morgan was so preoccupied with looking for the shooter he didn't notice my own weapon. I popped the mixed clip out and pulled the one with only iron bullets out and replaced it.

"Where did you get that?" He whispered harshly, I guess he heard me pop it back in.

"Does it really matter?" I heard Dean yell again but I couldn't answer him without bringing the attention of the shooter, who is more then likely Rodney, or rather the Demon possessing Rodney.

"Is that your brother?" Morgan asked the same time Dean yelled out again.

"Answer me Damn it!" He called.

"Yeah." I nodded and looked in the direction of the Dean's voice or at least where I thought it was coming from. The sounds were bouncing off all the trees and it was hard to tell where anything was coming from.

"He's going to get himself killed." I rolled my eyes but didn't answer. I pushed myself harder against the tree, using it to help me stand up. Morgan made a sound of protest and tried to push me back down.

"We can't just sit here and wait for the douche bag to find us, we need to make a move and I can't be sitting down when we do it, not to mention my idiot brother is running around here blind bound to get shot and I would like to avoid another person I care about getting shot." I shrugged his hand off and began peeking around the trunk though I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. "What the hell is up with me and fucking trees?" Dean was getting closer, at least I think he is. It wasn't long before he came into view. What I did next I did to fast for me to stop myself. I stuck my foot out and tripped him. Just after he went down another gun shot when off and hit another tree right where his head had been a second before. He went down hard and I grabbed his foot, trying to drag him over to where we were. Morgan saw what I was doing and helped.

"What the hell Addi?" He grumbled after he sat up next to my legs.

"Shut up, I saved your life."

"Yeah and almost broke my face." Dean rubbed his nose like he was comforting it and gave me a dirty look.

"I almost broke Morgan's face when I first met him and you don't see him complaining."

"He's trying to arrest you."

"But that's about a whole different thing."

"Can you two stop arguing? We've got bigger issues to deal with at the moment."

"Yeah Dean, stop arguing."

"You started it!"

"Did not."


"Dick." Morgan gave me a look, I think it was supposed to scare me. It was a look you got from your parents when they want you to shut up but you happen to be in public and they can't hit you. Dean had his gun out as well.

"Why did he wait until now to start shooting?" Dean asked, turning serious.

"I don't know, wanted us to be separated?" He shrugged.

"Wonder how long he's been watching us?" Dean looked into the trees, only to have a bullet narrowly miss his head.

"Stop looking!" I scolded.

"What do you want me to do? We can't just stand here all day, we've got crap to do." He raised his eyebrows, not at all affected at the near miss. I sighed annoyed and looked at Morgan.

"Any thoughts?" I questioned. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"How the hell are you two so calm?"

"Because things are just getting started." Dean pipped up.

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