Chapter 28

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I watched as they moved around the dead girl. Most of the people that had been moving around the sight had left but they weren't who I was looking for, they weren't my mark. I could see him perfectly from my perch but knew that he, nor anyone else with him, couldn't see me. The gun felt familiar but foreign in my hands as I lined up the shot.

I don't understand why I've got to use this thing when there are far better ways to end someone's life, ways that involve a more creative thought process but at the end of the day you've got to do what the boss man says. Because if you don't, he'll kill you.


"What the fuck do you mean?" The words left my lips before I could think of anything...nicer to say. The phone was pressed far tighter to my ear then it needed to be and I froze in the doorway of the motel room with my other hand gripped tightly around the door handle. Morgan sounded like a mix between tired and pissed off.

"The crime scene was a trap." He said cautiously.

"And Spencer's in the hospital, Did I hear that correctly?" I ground my cheek between my teeth and took a very deep breath. Sam had kept moving towards his car when I answered the phone but now he was looking at me questioningly. I pulled the door behind me roughly and walked right past Sam to the car and got in the passenger side.

"He's in surgery, we're going to send a uniform to come and get yo-" I cut him off.

"My brother can take me. What floor are you on?" He told me and I hung up the phone. Sam climbed into the car and looked at me with a confused expression. "Can you take me to the hospital?" He didn't ask me why, I'm sure he heard enough of my side of the conversation to have a good idea what was going on. I folded my hands in my lap and did my best to just breath. That seems to be everyone's advice when you feel overwhelmed, let's see if their right.


"Just because you keep hitting the button doesn't mean the elevator will move any faster." Sam said calmly and I sent him a heated glare. He didn't flinch and I found my frustration growing. The door finally opened after an eternity and I moved my attention from my younger brother and moved out of the box. I saw Aaron before I saw Morgan and I moved toward them without another word. Sam caught up with me easily and I felt him watching me.

"Addison," Aaron moved away from the wall he was standing at and met me half way.

"What happened?" Sam placed a hand on my shoulder. It took everything in me not yell the question. I wanted to curse and punch something but I had to remind myself that this is Spencer's boss and cursing him out might not be the best thing for me to do.

"Someone was waiting for us at the crime scene. They were far enough outside the perimeter that we didn't realize they were there until it was to late." If my anger affected him he didn't show it.

"Well, I guess your-"

"Addison, I'm sure he did everything he could given the circumstances." Sam moved from behind me to my side. He pushed me away from Aaron and that's when I noticed I had moved a lot closer to him then I had been before. He stepped between the two of us and kept a firm hand over where I had gotten shot. I know he didn't know that it still hurt whenever pressure was added but at the moment I needed something to distract me.

"Sorry." I mumbled and his nod was the only thing that told me I had said it loud enough.

"He's been in surgery for about at hour." I had to bite my lip from demanding why I hadn't been called earlier. There wouldn't have been anything for me to do, I reminded myself. Not to mention Sam would have still been in class and without him here I might have actually punched someone in the face.

"Is he going to….be alright?" I decided to go with the more positive version of 'is he going to die?' it sounded better but it was essentially the same question.

"He'll be fine." Morgan's voice made me jump a foot into the air effectively knocking Sam's hand off my shoulder. The part of my brain that likes to be difficult wanted to ask him how he knew that but the rest of my mind decided that we just needed someone to say it. If it wasn't true...then we would cross that bridge if it ever rears it's ugly head. I took another deep breath and tried to calm myself down a little.

"Did you catch the guy who shot him." I took a seat in one of the chairs and leaned against it. Nether one of them answered and I felt my anger start bubbling up again. "Do you know who it is?" Again, no answer. "Well can you tell me what you're doing find this dickhead?" At this point was I loud enough for the nurse at the front desk to give me a look. I couldn't find it in myself to feel bad.


They stayed for a little longer and told me how they were going to find the man that did this. They couldn't stay for very long, they had to get back to work. I told them I would keep them updated and Morgan didn't leave until he knew that Sam would also be staying. They couldn't tell me anything that I really wanted to know because it was an 'on going investigation so that pissed me off. Not to mention I still haven't heard anything about Spencer and it's been over two hours. If I have to sit here for any longer I might actually kill someone.

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