chapter 45

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I angrily punched the number into the vending machine and waited for the snickers bar to fall to the bottom. When I finally got my hands on the candy I tore the packaging open and took a large bite. Looking around the same room I had been in when I called Dean I found a bench that I had failed to notice the first time I was in here and sat down. Part of me wanted to call Dean and make him come and get me but the other half knew I needed to stay. I needed to be here in case something happened to Spencer, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened because I was too butt hurt over his reaction. Especially when I knew that that was going to be how he reacted. I sighed and leaned my back against the wall and closed my eyes.

"Addison?" A familiar voice forced my eyes open and I came face to face with Gideon. His face was concerned causing lines to form where they shouldn't.

"Gideon? What are you doing here?" Confusion laced my voice and I leaned forward. He walked across the room and took a seat next to me. "Spencer told me you were in Florida."

"I got on a plane after I heard what happened. I was going to his room but I saw you duck in here." He gave me a look. "Agent Hotchner informed me of what happened." I sighed again.

"Morgan overheard me talking to my older brother about how Rodney was given a hunter's funeral and how I didn't like keeping things from Spencer..." I shrugged. "He confronted me and I ran. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't just tell them Rodney was a monster and that if they found him they would get themselves killed." He gave me a sad smile. When Spencer first introduced me to Gideon he knew what I was in less then five seconds, the tattoo tends to be a pretty big give away. He wasn't a hunter himself but he met some while he was working a serial killer case that happened to not be a serial killer. It had been a pissed off ghost, someone was tearing up their house to build a bigger one and it was not having it.

"You're going to get yourself into some big trouble if you're not careful." He warned me.

"Morgan knows now, he got to see this thing first hand." I said. We never talked about the supernatural much, he would call me every once and awhile if he thought a case had a supernatural monster involved but that was as far as the conversations went. He did tell me once that I should come clean to Spencer and I said it wasn't a good time, of course that had always been my excuse.

"Hows he handling it?"

"Better then average." I shrugged again and took another bite of my snickers. "I told Spencer." I said after a few moments of silence, he gave me an expectant look. "He thinks I'm crazy. Thanks to the files Aaron found on my dad and my record he thinks my father abused me." I shook my head and ate the last of the candy. "He talked me like I…like I was. I don't even know." I looked at him.

"He just needs to see." He said, patting me on the shoulder. "After he sees it then you need to be ready for all the questions he's going to bombard you with." He chuckled. If I had felt better I would have laughed along with him. He was about to say something else but the plain ringtone for the prepaid phone I bought filled the room. I pulled it out of my back pocket and answered it without checking the ID considering there were only two people with the number.


"We found his body." Dean's voice came over the line slightly jumbled. I could hear Sam in the background complaining about something.

"Who's body?" That go Gideon's attention and I held up a finger for him to wait a minuet.

"Rodney's. God it's someone told all the cops they could find free donuts here or something." He grumbled.

"You found the body? Where?"

"We didn't find it. A couple of teens stumbled across it. From what I tell it was just in the middle of the path we were on earlier."

"So that means this thing could be anywhere."

"More like anyone." I blew out a long breath.

"And I thought this couldn't get anymore fucked." He chuckled.

"It can always get more fucked." I smiled sadly.

"Ain't that the truth."

"You still with the feds?"

"Kind of. I'm back at the hospital with Spencer and Morgan got put on babysitting duty." I told him.

"You got a gun?"

"Yeah." I had left it in the car when Morgan and I made it to the station and grabbed it when we got to the hospital. "I've only got the one clip of iron though."

"Lets hope you don't have to use it." I heard Sam say and realized he must've had me on speaker phone.

"Hey Sammy." I could almost hear him wince at the name but I didn't care.

"We gotta go. You stay there and keep you're eye out for this dick." Dean said, "for all we know it's in you're boyfriend."

"No it's not, he's got an anti-possession symbol carved into the watch I bought him for his birthday last year." I said shaking my head.

"He didn't notice that?" Sam questioned.

"It's under the clock face." I said.

"Nice." Dean said. "Okay, call us if anything happens. We're going to bring you some holy water and some extra ammo." I nodded and then remembered they couldn't see me. I said okay and we hung up.

"What happened?" I jumped at Gideon's voice. I had forgotten he was even there.

"They found Rodney's body."

"That's a good thing right? That means he's dead."

"Rodney's been dead. He died in the woods last time we saw him." I explained, "the thing that was possessing him however is still running around somewhere. At least when it was wearing Rodney we knew what it looked like."

"What even is this. I've only ever seen ghosts."

"A demon." I didn't bother sugarcoating it. People always seemed to get pissy when I beat around the bush. His eyes widened and I nodded knowing what he was going to ask next. Most people always feel the need to repeat what was said, just to make sure they heard it right. "Now that it's out of Rodney it could be inside anyone."

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