How to stop shaking when you're nervous

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Just stop shaking. We have the ability to control our fervent emotions and these sayings, "Mind over matter" and "Faking it 'till you make it" are effective. We can truly trick our anxious mind into an excited state.

Anatomically, if we get anxious our body releases a chemical, Epinephrine or in simple terms, Adrenaline, a fight-flight-freeze response to a certain stressful situation. This chemical converts the carbohydrates into glucose, which later boosts energy making the body gain hysterical strength to get away from the situation that seems dangerous or do odd actions like peeing your pants. So to be able to break the nervousness we have to use the power of assumption. We should try to assume that we are superior to them or imagine them naked or treat your feeling of nervousness as an exciting response so you can confidently do things you want to show.

So, if you want to talk to someone you admired despite the fact that you did not reach society's standard of beauty in short you're ugly, you can confidently have a conversation with them by assuming you're a hot handsome guy or a sexy beautiful lady. 

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