Third-Hand Smoke is Dangerous to Infants and Children

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You heard about first-hand and second-hand smokers, wherein first-hand smoke is inhaled by a smoker while second-hand smoke is the smoke inhaled by other people near that unconcerned smoker. But what smokers do not know is that after consuming the cigarette, the residue of that tobacco lingers on surfaces and furnishings, and can react with another chemical in the air that forms into a perilous cancer-causing compound, carcinogens that toddlers or babies might inhale or ingest.

Tobacco smoke contains numerous types of gases and poisonous matters including carcinogens and heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and cyanide. Its sticky highly toxic chemical, nicotine can cling to walls, floors, carpets, curtains, and furniture and it can stay for days, weeks, and even months. This long-stay gives time for nicotine to react with nitrous acid, a common component of indoor air, to form carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines or TSNAs. Fragile children and infants who like putting objects into their mouth and inevitably touch affected surfaces will be exposed to these TSNAs which gives them a high chance of developing cancer. Even if the person smoked outside the building and went inside, the nicotine residues will stick to the smoker's clothing and skin and can be spread through physical contact. And third-hand smoke cannot be eliminated easily by using fans or air conditioners or opening windows welcoming the wind to wash away the toxins spread by the smoker but rather a thorough clean every surface, fabric, and upholstery regularly. And it is suggested that it would be better if smokers would stop smoking to limit the impact of third-hand smoke.

Or discourage them to not have a family or have kids around his or her house and try to live alone in a place where no city, no human beings to be seen or heard, perhaps in a wilderness or in the middle of the forest to avoid affecting other non-smokers who want to stay healthy and live longer with their loved ones. 

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