Out-Of-Body Experiences? It Could Be your Inner Ear

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In France, there is a guy who speeds up his car and suddenly felt a bizarre sensation. He sensed like he was outside his car, and could see his physical self, driving.

This phenomenal experience according to science, is caused by an inner ear problem, or in scientific terms, vestibular disorders. The vestibular system, which is composed of several structures in the inner ear, provides the body with a sense of balance and spatial orientation. If a certain problem is aroused within this system, the person can feel a dizzy or floating sensation.

In fact, patients with vestibular disorders are three times more likely to experience the eerie feeling of 'Out-Of-Body'. Due to the faultiness of the vestibular system, it can send crossed signals to the brain. When wrong signals are sent to the brain, it creates confusion and conflicting information, distorting the sense of a patient's body to the surrounding environment.

This phenomenon indicates that we can experience our childhood dream of floating like Peter Pan by messing up our vestibular system.

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