Sucking a Venom out of a Snakebite Increase the Risk

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You and your friend were strolling in a forest and found a log to sat on. Then as you both sat suddenly out of nowhere a venomous snake bites on your friend's arm for sitting on its tail. He swayed his arms with panic to let the snake off from his arm, now you remember a survival method you watched in a movie depicting a man sucking the venom out of a snakebite. But if you do that, you are allowing the Grim Reaper to get close to your friend.

Snakebite varies depending on what type of snake and its venom contain. Some bites severely damage the tissue which in turn bleeds internally while others are neurotoxins. It does not instantly kill the victim, it actually lets the victim takes 30 to 60 minutes after the bite to experience nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness so you have a lot of time to put your friend in a hospital. But experts discouraged you to suck out the venom and use a tourniquet because it does not help and you will only exacerbate the condition of your friend. Sucking out only spread the venom into the bloodstream faster and you will infect the wound by your mouth full of germs, and it would be dangerous if you have an open wound in your mouth because the venom will enter into your bloodstream. Plus, avoid using a tourniquet because you are merely damaging the nerves and blood vessels. So the best first aid is to call the hospital nearby because they are the only ones who could save your friend's life. They hold the cure, antivenom which is made up of antibodies that neutralize the venom, thereby stopping the adverse effects on a victim's body. So as you wait, calm your friend, keep the wound below the level of heart keeping him or her warm, and avoid running or doing anything that would increase the heart rate. But you have to remember the main features of the snake that bit your poor unlucky friend, may it be the skin color, the shape of the head or eyes, or something salient so that the medical experts can determine the right anti-venom.

But if the hospital runs out of antivenom, maybe it is time to avenge your friend's death by burning the entire forest, not only killing the snake who bites your friend but also its family and prevent anyone to be another victim of its bite.

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