Thorns are more dangerous than Shards

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A splinter from a wood, cactus, spines, or thorns is an organic matter that is more dangerous when it gets through your skin than inorganic matter like shards of glass or a sliver of metal. It activates the immune system and causes inflammation around the victim's affected area. Organic matter triggers more inflammation than inorganic ones because objects like wood often have oil, resin, and larger amounts of abominable bacteria and fungi. If not removed immediately, the bacteria can cause tetanus which gives muscle spasms throughout the body. Plus, it can give another infection by a fungus from rose thorns that leads to painful sores called Rose gardener's disease.

If an organic splinter is not removed immediately from the skin there is a possibility that the disease will spread. So to get rid of it is through suicide, just kidding, actually by slicing out the affected area and pull out the splinter. But when it comes to inorganic splinters, doctors recommend leaving them untouched because trying to pull them out will damage the tissue inside.

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