Working Night Shift Makes You Fatter

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As you granted the request of your boss that you will shift working at night because the wage would be doubled, though your body did not adapt yet at the first few weeks of your night duty, you do not realize that you consume more food than usual as you take a break. It is because there is a study showed that genes regulating important biological processes have difficulty adjusting to new sleeping and eating patterns. Many of these genes still tune up their daytime biological clock rhythms. So, you might partially adapt to a night shift but many physiological systems fail to adjust.

The molecules inside your body still stick to your biological clock to regulate your physiological and behavioral processes. And the regulation of the daily rhythmic function of the physiological and behavioral of the body is closely linked to the regulation of your metabolism. Furthermore, the importance of the endogenous circadian system allows efficiency in metabolic regulation as they anticipate the coming of the BigMac with large fries and soda plus a whole pepperoni pizza which you always eat every day. Hence, night-shift work disturbs the pattern of the metabolic process which leads you to add your usual meal with a large bowl of Ramen noodles. In simple terms, your food intake increases as your circadian rhythms are desynchronized.

Moreover, according to the researchers, they observed that in a long term, the night-shift workers' molecular changes have a higher risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. This too can be applied to travelers crossing time zones frequently.

But do not take heed to the warnings of the suggestions of the study above. Take every opportunity that makes you happy even its consequences would worsen your health or worst lead you to death. You only live once, anyway. 😉

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