Amenorrhea weakens the Bones

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All women from all over the world will never skip experiencing the monthly period of menstruation. However, if they missed it one or more times it means they have amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is an absence of menstruation that indicates that a person is pregnant, breastfeeding, having menopause, hormonal imbalance, taking birth control or certain medications that have a side effect in disrupting the menstrual cycle, or not having a good lifestyle.

Normally, in a sufficient amount of energy, the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to release FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH(luteinizing hormone) into the bloodstream. As it reaches the ovary, it triggers the ovary to produce two vital hormones, Estrogen, and Progesterone. Progesterone tells the uterus or womb lining to plump up with blood and nutrients as a preparation for the fertilized egg to embed and grow there. If the oocyte or unfertilized egg did not meet her prince charming sperm and did not embed to the uterus lining a few days later progesterone and estrogen level drop. As these hormones plummet, the lining stops collecting more vital components and starts shedding together with the egg. Thus, the bloody legend of menstruation begins.

However, if the woman is anorexic, exercise rigorously, and is mentally stressed she can suppress her period. Being anorexic can stop ovulation due to calorie deficiency. Also, excessive exercise especially ballet, gymnastics, and long-distance running can decrease the energy of the body to work properly. Due to high energy wasted, the production of the hormone needed to instigate the menstrual process lessened. The amount of energy is insufficient to start her normal menstrual process. While mentally stressed can temporarily alter the function of the hormone regulator, the hypothalamus. Additionally, other factors that can disrupt hormonal regulation and menstrual irregularities are thyroid malfunction and a pituitary tumor.

For some women, they might consider amenorrhea a blessing because skipping period means they do not need to suffer the uncomfortability, anxiety, mood swing, and abdominal cramps. It might be good for they cannot increase the human population yet but it can lead to osteoporosis. Estrogen helps maintain bone density and if the estrogen level is low, the bones weaken. So we, ladies have no choice but to accept the bloody gift that nature gave to us, or else we will experience osteoporosis at a very young age and by that, we cannot enjoy shopping and lift our adorable pet dog or cat to hug them. 

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