Prehistoric Women Are Stronger Than Modern Athletes

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We usually perceive women as physically weak beings because biologically speaking, women have less testosterone, a hormone that gives masculine features and additional strength to men

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We usually perceive women as physically weak beings because biologically speaking, women have less testosterone, a hormone that gives masculine features and additional strength to men. Also, with the help of technology, our way of living became easy so there are less physical activities done that weaken our bones and muscles.

But history says ancient women are stronger than the elite women's rowing teams. Not because they fight dinosaurs or something that makes them sturdy but because of their way of living, grinding grains into flour. Even though modern rowing athletes train two times a day, still they cannot beat the strength and buffy upper arms of those Neolithic women. In the age of agriculture, women have a huge role in manually tilling the soil, planting, harvesting crops, and grinding grains using saddle quern every day. A saddle quern is where they grind grains using two huge stones just to create flour in 5 hours. Since a bone is living tissue, straining it with rigorous activities alters its shape, curvature, thickness, and density over time, just to accommodate the repeated strain. Thus, a legend was made.

So, if you're a girl and want to crush someone's head, do not go to the gym and lift there, rather follow what the prehistoric women do: grind grains using saddle quern.

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