Girls are also Good at Math, They just don't

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Sadly, talented girls rate their abilities lower than those boys who are assumed to be talented. In the field of mathematics, boys are confident enough to solve any problems given than those gifted girls. Generally, boys like taking risks and pursue challenges while the girls pursue perfection and passionately judge themselves and are constantly being judged by the screwed-up society and the media's created restrictive standards. Boys are more likely to hold a growth mindset than girls. Boys believed that a certain ability can be learned and it takes practice and patience to master it.

To help these poor girls recognize their potential is by altering their perception of their mathematical abilities. To develop their confidence and motivate them to take risky and challenging careers related to science and mathematics is to encourage them to join clubs. Not nightclub but math club or science club.

If changing the girls' mindset and enhancing their skills went successful, those girls could take over the world and dethrone men from their superiority and turn men into their slaves. 

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