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Mon-El heard a woosh above him, the voice was back. "Now, do you have a answer for me?" The voice asked.

"Yes, I do." Mon-El replied, "Aliens are people because they can think, and anyone that can think deserves to be called a person."

"Good answer." The voice said, clearly impressed. "Now I will answer one of your questions."

"Who are you?" Mon-El asked.

"My friends call me Ash." Ash answered, "You can call me the same. Now, back to my questions. How do you want to impact the world?"

"Do you mean, how do I want to be remembered?" Mon-El clarified.

"Sure." Ash answered.

"I want people to remember me as someone that wanted to make an impact for good on the world." Mon-El said, "I want to be remembered as a friend of Supergirl's. I want to be remembered as someone that is flawed, but that overcame their flaws, and became greater than them."

"Interesting." Ash said, "Now, ask me a question."

"Where are we?" Mon-El asked.

"We are in... I'm not sure where we are exactly. Somewhere on Earth." Ash responded, "Are you okay with that answer?"

"Could you give me specifics?" Mon-El inquired.

"Well, we are on a tower. It has a big clock on one side. I don't know what else to say." Ash said.

"That's good enough." Mon-El said, "Ask away."

"What did you want to be when you were younger?" Ash asked.

"I don't know if you have these on Earth, but I wanted to be a diplomat." Mon-El answered.

"We have those on Earth." Ash replied, "Now, what's another question you have for me?"

"Why do your friends call you Ash?"

"I actually don't have any friends. I just want to be called Ash. My real name is Astrid."

"Wait, you're a girl?"

"Yes, I use a voice changer to make me sound like a grown man." Mon-El heard a clicking sound, "This is what my voice actually sounds like."

"Your voice went from man to little girl."

The clicking sounded again. "There's a reason I use the voice changer." The deep, man's voice was back. "People underestimate 14 year olds, they don't underestimate grown men."

"You are really smart." Mon-El was impressed by this kid, "Wait, your parents allow you to kidnap aliens?"

There was a pase before Ash answered. "I don't have parents." She said solemnly.

"I-I'm sorry for bringing up an uncomfortable topic." Mon-El said ashamed of himself, "Why don't you ask me another question?"

"Okay," Ash replied, "What were you looking forward to the most before..."

"I was looking forward to a date I had with an amazing girl I know." Mon-El answered suddenly reminded of Kara. She must be so scared for him right now. Alex probably forced her to go to work. Then at work she probably was close to tears most of the time. Poor Kara. Mon-El began to worry about her.

"Sorry for taking you from your date." Ash said, pulling Mon-El from his thoughts.

"It's okay." Mon-El said.

"Now, ask me a question." Ash said.

"Can I see your face?" Mon-El asked.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was still in the shadows." Ash said stepping out of the shadows. She had golden brown hair, green eyes with streaks of blue in them, and she was wearing something that humans wore a lot. I think its called 'jeans and a t-shirt, Mon-El thought. The t-shirt was a mustard yellow, the jeans a dark blue with white on the sides. She was quite beautiful. "Go ahead and ask a different question." Ash said.

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