Different Universe

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Mon-El stood as Thea entered. "How did you know about Kara and Lena?" He asked.

Thea leaned against a table, "Oliver found a drone, he had Barry come and investigate it." She sighed, "The drone carried a message for Barry, from Lena Luthor."

"What did the message say?" Mon-El asked.

"It said that a portal had opened in her building, and she was asking for help from Barry," Thea replied.

"A portal?" Mon-El was confused.

"To another universe," Thea said, "This universe."

"You're saying I'm from another universe than this one?" Mon-El asked.

"Yep," Thea replied.

Mon-El sat down rubbing his forehead. "Then how did we get here?"

"I don't know," Thea sat down next to Mon-El, "I was hoping you would know."

"Ash would be the one that would know how we are here." Mon-El looked at where they had laid Ash. She looked so peaceful.

"Why would she know and not you?" Thea asked confused.

"It's complicated," Mon-El replied.

"Try to explain," Thea said.

"Well, I don't really know how to." Mon-El said, "She's better at it."

"Still try to explain," Thea replied.

"Um, I was at the place I work a while ago and we got an alert that some people were attacking some aliens and I went to go check it out." Mon-El said, "When I got there-there were some military like people, called CADMUS, and they were attacking an alien and I tried to stop them. Before I could call for backup I was knocked unconscious and that's all I know. When I woke up I was on the roof of a building with Ash."

"Okay new topic," Thea said, "How long has Ash been able to shoot lasers from her eyes?"

"Um," Mon-El said, "I don't know."

"Really?" Thea said, "But she's your sister?"

"Actually she isn't." Mon-El scratched his chin.

"So you lied," Thea said.

"Yes," Mon-El replied running his hand through the hair on the back of his head, "Both of us are aliens as well, and she was the alien CADMUS was attacking."

Roy suddenly became interested in the conversation. "You're an alien?" He said, "I know an alien. That's so cool! What planet are you from?"

"Daxam," Mon-El replied.

"Where is that?" Roy asked.

"It is far away." Mon-El looked down at the thought of his lost planet.

Roy noticed that Mon-El was saddened by his questions. "Sorry to make you think about your planet." Roy said, "I'm just excited at the prospect of knowing an alien."

"It's okay," Mon-El replied, "One of the first people I met when I came to Earth was just like you, his name is Winn."

"It's so cool that I know an alien!" Roy said, "We know an alien, Thea. We know two aliens! This is so cool! Anyway, you guys can get back to your talking about serious stuff while I'm over here fangirling."

"So you have no idea how you got to this universe?" Thea asked after Roy left to fangirl in a corner.

"Nope." Mon-El said popping the 'p' as he said it.

"And Ash isn't your sister and she is the only one that knows how you got to another universe?" Thea asked.

"Yep." Mon-El replied, again popping the 'p' as he said it. Ash groaned casing Mon-El, Thea, and Roy to turn to her. Mon-El rushed to her side as she opened her eyes. "Hey," He said, "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone was screaming in my head," Ash said matter of factly while clutching her head with her right hand.

"Who was screaming in your head?" Thea asked, "You said that they were dead."

"Well," Ash sat up, "He's not exactly dead. He is in prison and supposedly committed suicide, but I never believed it. His name is Del Dor."


hey yall, again. I published another chapter!!! and I've got more on the way, its just taking a while to do it. I'm running out of ideas to slow things down and I don't want to go fast cuz that bores me. what do you guys wanna see here to slow things down? it won't happen for a little bit cuz I've got some ideas but I still wanna hear what you have to say

so I'm writing a story for school and I'm wondering if you guys that read this story would like to read it?

its a Halloweeny story so its got that going for it, I also tend to be a kinda creepy person in it so it also got that going for it

let me know in the comments if you think you might be interested in reading it

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