"I'll kill one of your friends"

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Kara let go of Kal horrified of what she had done to him. She took off and flew back to CADMUS. Kara's landing broke the floor. She walked into the room where she had been held prisoner and immediately fainted from exposure to kryptonite.


Alex looked at her little sister, or what should be her little sister. This is so wrong, She thought, She should be at work at CatCo right now, not in a hospital bed covered in an alien substance. I wonder what she's dreaming about and if me being here is making a difference?


Kara landed at the DEO. It seemed like no one was there, but she had just received a distress call from Alex, so she, J'onn, Winn, and Mon-El should be there at least. "Where are they?" Kara said out loud to herself.

"They are somewhere where you will never find them." Lillian Luthor said stepping from the shadows.

Kara tried to fly at her but felt her powers leave her and she saw that Lillian had kryptonite in her hand. "Let them go," Kara ordered.

"Only if you do what I want." Lillian threatened.

"What do you need me to do?" Kara asked.

"I need you to kill your cousin Superman," Lillian said simply, "Come back here in 24 hours with your answer. Any longer and I'll kill one of your friends. If you talk to anyone about this I will know and kill one of your friends. Don't try to go behind my back, I will find out and kill one of your friends. If you refuse to kill him I'll kill your friends and half of the city. Your choice, Supergirl."

KaramelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz