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Kara landed at the DEO to find everyone rushing around. She saw Winn and walked to him. "What's going on?" She asked.

"We have a lead on CADMUS." He replied, "Apparently Cisco Ramon works for them."

"Supergirl," J'onn shouted walking over to them, "Get ready. You're leading a strike team with Alex. Winn, get ready as well, you are going in with them."

"Yes, sir." Winn replied, "Wait, what?"

"You heard me," J'onn said walking away, "Suit up."

Kara looked at Winn, "You're going out in the field." She said.

"I'm not ready for this," Winn said turning to his computer.

"Of course you are," Kara replied, "J'onn wouldn't send you out unless he believed in you."

"I don't believe in myself," Winn said.

"Everyone else does." Kara reprimanded him.

"They shouldn't," Winn argued.

"No," Kara replied, "You should believe in yourself."

"But I'm useless!" Winn almost yelled.

"No your not!" Kara said at the same volume.

"Arg!" Winn replied.

Alex hurried over to Kara and Winn. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes," Kara replied glaring at Winn.

Winn sighed angrily, "Fine! Yes, I'm ready."

"Follow me," Alex said motioning for them to follow her. Kara and Winn have soon joined by a dozen other agents. They reached a van, "Supergirl, here is the address, you are going to fly ahead and take out anyone that could take us out before we get to the building."

Kara took off towards the building. She felt the wind rush at her face, hitting her and blowing her hair everywhere. She arrived at the building. It was a warehouse that looked abandoned on the outside, but using her x-ray vision Kara could see that it was a military-like compound with many floors, some of the rooms had lead walls and she couldn't see inside them.

Still using her x-ray vision she spotted snipers all about the compound. Some were snoozing, some were playing solitaire, most were lazily looking around the compound. "This should be easy," Kara told herself. With a burst of speed, she knocked out five of the snipers before the other snipers noticed. They started firing bullets at her not caring that they wouldn't penetrate her skin.

She landed in front of another sniper and taped his head rendering him unconscious. Kara flew from him to another taping each on the head and knocking them unconscious. The van pulled up to the compound just as she finished off the last one.

The door to the van slip open and Alex, Winn, and the rest of the agents jumped out of it. "Looks like you were in a fight, Supergirl," Alex commented.

Kara shrugged and took off into the air then slamming into the roof of the compound creating a hole in the roof. CADMUS fired guns at her the bullets ricocheted off of her. Leaving them for the agent's Kara moved towards the closest lead room and slammed open the door. Inside were scientists working on some sort of formula, they jumped when Kara slammed open the door.

"Are you here to rescue us?" A timid scientist asked.

"Yes," Kara replied, "Outside of this room is a war zone, so I suggest staying in here till the sound dies down. Do you have a map of the compound?"

Another scientist spoke up, "Sorry Supergirl, but we don't have one."

"Is there any other prisoners that you know of?" She asked.

"There is that one guy," The timid one replied, "But he is probably dead. He helped an alien CADMUS was holding prisoner escape, he did it multiple times, actually."

"What is his name?" Kara asked thinking of Jeremiah.

"Doctor Jeremiah Danvers." He replied.

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