Jerimiah and Cisco

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Kara punched thru doors and walls in search of Jeremiah, not really taking in who or what was in the rooms. On the last floor, Kara was beginning to loose hope, But I'm Supergirl, I'm not supposed to lose hope, I'm supposed to show hope and look at all the good. She thought.

Kara heard a loud yell from the back of the hall she was in. She quickly ran to the last door and destroyed it. Inside she found three guards and Jeremiah. Kara speed around the room kicking the guard's unconscious. Quickly she broke the chains holding Jeremiah, he collapsed into her arms.

"Kara," He whispered before losing consciousness.

Kara carefully carried Jeremiah in her arms to the stairs. She softly took flight and rose the first floor where the fight was almost over. She flew over the CADMUS and DEO agents to get outside. Kara quickly flew to the DEO headquarters. She carefully carried Jeremiah to the med bay and lay him down. Before J'onn could come talk to her Kara flew off back CADMUS. She quickly rejoined the fight.

Kara saw one of the CADMUS agents fire a strange looking bullet at Alex. Swiftly Kara stood in front of Alex. The bullet hit Kara and she was thrust back a few feet. Kara felt a strange pain in her chest. Before she could see if Alex was okay, Kara was thrown into the wall by vibrating blue circles. It was Cisco Ramon.

"Nice of you to join us, Supergirl." He said laughingly deflecting bullets that Alex shot at him before firing a blast of his own at her knocking her far away from Kara, "It was getting boring only fighting the DEO's incompetent agents. Finally, someone that can actually hold their own against me." He fired a blast at Kara holding her against the wall.

"Cisco stop," Kara said breathily.

Surprisingly he stopped. "How do you know that name?" He asked.

Kara tried to stand but a pain in her chest stopped her. "You told me."

"No," He said, "I told you my name was Vibe."

"No, you told me your name was Cisco Ramon AKA Vibe." Kara again trying to stand and again being thrust down by the pain in her chest.

"Oh, I see," Cisco laughed, "It has already reached your brain. It's affecting you faster than the other one."

"What 'other one'?" Kara said trying to ignore the pain.

"You don't know her." He said, "No one knows her, we took her before she could meet anyone."

A shot rang out and before Cisco could turn around to stop it a bullet hit him in the back. Cisco collapsed unconscious, behind him Kara could see Winn holding a pistol in front of him. "Supergirl," He said rushing over to her, "Are you okay? What is this?" Winn motioned to her chest. Kara looked down and saw black mold slowly covering her torso.

"I don't know," Kara said before collapsing unconscious in Winn's arms.

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