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Mon-El woke up on the cold floor of Verdant. He saw Ash sleeping curled up on one of the chairs. She had been exhausted after last night. They had been up late exploding bottles of alcohol; he didn't know what kinds of alcohol they exploded. He wasn't familiar with Earth alcohol.

Mon-El stood up, he walked around the building as he waited for Ash to wake up. He walked down a narrow hall with a door at the end; the door had a broken code pad on it. Mon-El quietly opened the door, there were stairs down into the basement. He heard voices, and with little thought crept down the stairs.

"I can't stay here any longer." Said a frustrated young man with a head of brown hair. "Someone else is here. I heard them last night, they were exploding stuff until one."

"We don't have a different place for you to stay." A young woman about the same age as the man with shortish brown hair, the same color as the young man's hair. "Maybe it's just some partiers looking for a place to stay. They'll probably leave when they wake up." The young woman ran her hand up and down the young man's arm. "If not, we'll work something out."

"You and who else?" The man said stepping away from her, "No one else can know I'm in the city, Thea. If Oliver and the others find out, I'm here they'll try to convince me to rejoin the team, and the last time I was a part of the team I almost died. The world still thinks I'm dead."

"Roy, you're overreacting." The young woman probably named Thea from what the young man called her. "It's just some partiers and they'll leave in the morning."

"You and I both know what a party sounds like," The young man named Roy replied, "And that wasn't a party. It was more like they were exploding bottles of alcohol, not drinking them."

"What about Sin?" Thea blurted, "She's not a part of Team Arrow. She can help find a place for you to stay."

"Sin?" Roy said raising his eyebrows, "You mean the girl that Sara practically raised?"

"Yeh," Thea replied, "Me and her have kept in touch."

Mon-El stepped out of the shadows at the bottom of the stairs. "We don't want to make you move." He said, "We were just looking for a place to stay for the night, we can move if that's what you want." As he said the last word Thea threw a steel knife at his chest, he knew it was steel because it didn't impale him. It seemed like as soon as he had stepped out of the shadows she had gone into a trance.

Roy grabbed Thea's arms before she could throw another knife. "Thea snap out of it!" He yelled.

Thea shook her head as if she was trying to shake something off of her. She lifted her head and saw her knife blade crushed in Mon-El's hand. Slowly she backed away. "How did you do that?" Thea asked cautiously.

Roy let go of Thea's left arm and turned around to face Mon-El. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Um," Mon-El said quickly dropping the crushed knife to the ground. "I'm Mon-El of Daxam, and I have super strength."

"How did you get your strength?" Roy said curiously, "Where you injected with a drug or are you a metahuman?"

Everyone's heads turned towards the stairs as they heard a thudding. Ash emerged from the shadow rubbing her head. "Could you guys argue yell softer? I'm trying to sleep." She sounded as if she wasn't awake yet. "Thanks." Ash turned around and started to walk back up the steps when she stopped and turned to look at Roy and Thea. "Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" Thea asked surprised.

"Are we supposed to?" Mon-El replied, "Oh no are you some rich and celebrity? Are you someone important? Are you like a princess in this world?" Mon-El realized what he said. "I mean in this place?"

Ash stepped down the steps and punched Mon-El in the side. "Thanks for blowing our cover, Mon-El."

"I'm confused," Roy replied, "How do you not know who Thea is?"

"We're not from around here," Ash said quickly. Hoping she could salvage what Mon-El had destroyed of their cover.

"Where is Daxam?" Thea interjected.

"You told them you were from Daxam?" Ash said turning to look at Mon-El. "Dude!" She kicked him in the shin.

"Daxam isn't exactly a place," Mon-El said with a strike of genius. "It's this thing that me and my little sister, Ash, came up with." He rubbed Ash's hair before continuing. "Whenever we hang out we say we are in Daxam, so to answer your question, Daxam is fake."

Ash turned to Roy and Thea, "You never answered my question of who you were."

"I'm Thea Queen," Thea said, "You still don't know who I am?"

"No," Ash said, "Now who are you?" She turned to Roy.

"I'm Roy Harper," Roy said before Thea could answer for him, "Thea's boyfriend." Both Ash and Mon-El gave them looks of confusion at the word boyfriend. "Anyways, how did you get your super strength, Mon-El? Can I call you something else?"

"You told them you had super strength!" Ash exclaimed.

Ignoring her Mon-El said, "I'm a metahuman, person, thingy, and I usually go by Mike."

"Oh, that cool," Roy said.

"What are you two doing here?" Thea asked.

"Um, we were looking for a place to stay the night and came across this place." Ash replied, "We can leave if you want us too."

"No, it's okay if you stay." Roy said, "So have you ever encountered the Flash?" He asked Mon-El.

"No, but I really want to." Mon-El replied, "I have a friend that has met him, though. She said he was cool and fast."

Roy and Mon-El continued their conversation on superheroes of Earth and the comics about other superheroes. As they talked, they seemed to get more comfortable around each other. Multiple times during the conversation Ash and Thea made eye contact and agreed that they were accidental nerds. Since neither of them knew what the heck Roy and Mon-El were talking about they started their own conversation.

"So what brings you and Mike to Star City?" Thea asked.

"We were just on a trip around the world, to learn more about it, and we stopped here and to see what it was like." Ash lied terribly.

"I know your lying," Thea said bluntly.

"Yep," Ash said not denying it.

"They are kinda cute being nerdy together." Thea reflected.

"They are cute," Ash agreed, "Do you understand anything they're saying?"

"Well, I kinda understood when they talked about The Avengers," Thea said, "But other than that I don't know what they're saying. What are you doing in Star City?"

"We got lost," Ash said shrugging her shoulders.

"Is someone after you?" Thea asked.

"How could you tell?" Ash replied.

"Well, you both were eager to leave and only stayed out of curiosity." Thea pointed out, "You also don't seem very comfortable with him, so you don't know each other well either. You have been on edge the entire time I've seen you, unless, well, when I first saw you and you looked like a rat's nest, but other than that."

"You are very observant," Ash said.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing." Thea laughed, "So who or what are you running from?"

"They are called CADMUS." Ash said, "You've probably never heard of them."

"You are correct." Thea replied, "Why are they after you? If you feel comfortable sharing that?"

"They are after us for reasons," Ash answered.

"Do you think they even remember we're in the room?" Thea asked.

"Nope." Ash replied, "Do you know who the Inhumans are?"

"Nope," Thea responded.


The contest is still going on, it is until the end of April, so yeah...

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