Best Friends and Old Friends

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Winn knocked on Kara's apartment door after work. He heard footsteps on the other side, then Kara opened the door. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Hey," He said softly , "How are you?"

"I've been better." She said moving over for him to come into her apartment. "What are you doing here?"

Winn turned around to face Kara. "I wanted to see how you doing, and I brought all eight Harry Potter movies."

Kara's face lit up. "All eight ?"

"Yep," He said walking over to the couch and kicking off his shoes. "And I brought potstickers and ordered pizza. We had better get started." Kara gleefully strode over the couch while Winn set up the movie. "Should we start with the end or beginning?"

"The beginning obviously ," Kara replied.

"Good idea." Winn put The Sorcerer's Stone into the DVR, and Hedwig's Theme played.

*         *         *         *

Kara extracted herself from the couch and walked to the window. Winn's snores softly decreasing in sound. She looked out at the city, Fred and George sang about Ron being in love with Victor Krum. "Where are you Mon-El?" She whispered. Kara heard a car alarm from across the city and flew out the window. She reached the scene of the crash to see the professor from Starhaven with two young men that she sort of recognized helping teenage girls out of the crashed car. "Professor?" She asked

" Ahh , Supergirl, it is good to see you." The professor said to her, "I was on a walk when I saw a crash and I told the boys to help out. They are such good men."

"Um, what are their names?" Kara asked.

"Oh, they are Ken and Kane, also of Fort Rozz." He replied.

"Why were they in Fort Rozz?" She asked the professor.

"I'm not quite sure." He said, "I think they were a part of some rebellion on Krypton. They were forced into it, though, to protect their sister, and they got a shorter sentence. Do you know of them?"

"Yes," Kara answered, "They were my best friend on Krypton's older brothers."

"Oh, that's interesting." The professor said. Some of the girls gave Ken and Kane little slips of paper, probably with their numbers on them, and they walked over. "Thank you, Ken and Kane, for helping out. My friend Supergirl flew over here to help and thought you had it taken care of, so good job."

"Your friends with Supergirl?" Ken said, "Dude, that's legit!"

"Yes," The professor said furrowing his eyebrows, "Legit?"

"He thinks that 's cool," Kane said punching his twin in the shoulder.

"Hey!" Ken said rubbing his shoulder, "Don't punch me."

"You said I could if you were being stupid, which you were." Kane replied, "Anyway, it was nice to meet you Supergirl."

"Yep, nice to meet you too, Ken and Kane," Kara said hovering.

"I recognize you from somewhere," Ken commented.

"She wears the symbol of the House of El," Kane said to his brother.

"Right, wait, like Kara kind of House of El?" Ken said widening his eyes.

Kara stopped hovering, "Yes, do either of you have a piece of paper, I would like to give you my number so we can stay in contact." She said to the twins.

"Wait, your... Dude that legit!" Ken said.

"What's with your sudden obsession with the word 'legit'?" Kane asked while he pulled out a piece of paper and pen to give to Kara, "Here you go Supergirl."

Kara quickly wrote down her number on the paper and gave it to Kane, "It was nice seeing you two." She said taking off. It was hard seeing them, after all, this time she had thought they had died on Krypton, like... No, she can't think of her, especially not now when she had a crisis to take care of, while she needed to save Mon-El.

Kara landed in her apartment, seeing Winn sleeping, so peacefully. Like he had no care in the world like he was free, and there was nothing to worry about. She walked into her bedroom and sat on the bed, she looked at the clock, it was 2:34 am, and she had work in the morning. I need sleep, she thought, but I can't fall asleep after all that, after finding out that Ken and Kane are alive. Kara lay down on her bed and looked at the ceiling. What rebellion on Krypton were they a part of? Was her last thought before she fell asleep of exhaustion.


I will be having a contest for someone to make a new cover for this story, if you want to participate you can email your entry to me at captaincanary45(at sign)

It won't let me put an at sign where it goes, so yeah, add an at sign where is says at sign.

The contest will go through April.

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