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Mon-El's eyes widened as he watched Ash super-speed around to move all the chairs and tables to the sides. "Why are you doing that again?" He asked.

"So we have space." She answered pausing to talk then continuing to move the chairs and tables, "Besides, it fun."

"I think we have enough space now," Mon-El replied, "You can stop."

"Okay," Ash blurted stopping next to him, "But what do we do now?"

"I don't know." He said turning towards her, "I was hoping you had an idea."

"Well, I've got no ideas." She said.

"Okay," Mon-El paced, "What did you like to do on Krypton?"

"Um, I hung out with my brothers and best friend." Ash replied, "What did you do?"

"I would go out and party with my friends."

"Cool." Ash walked over to the bar. She pulled out some bottles. "Do you have something I can start a fire with?" She asked.

Mon-El stopped pacing and walked over to Ash pulling the bottles out of her hands. "No alcohol for you." He said, "You are under age."

"How do you know?" She said grabbing more from underneath the counter, "It's been years since the destruction of Krypton. I am older than I look. Besides, I not going to drink it."

"What are you going to do?" Mon-El asked his eyebrows furrowing together.

"I will make an explosion." She said simply, "So, do you have something I can start a fire with?"

"No, but you've got heat vision," Mon-El said putting the bottles he was holding on the counter.

"Right." She said heating her eyes, so they glowed red. She turned her head to the bottles on the counter. Beams shot out of her eyes to the bottles. They exploded as soon as the beams touched them, and glass flew everywhere. Mon-El grabbed Ash and covered her body with his forgetting she didn't need protection. "That was so cool!"

"Yeah, it was." Mon-El released her from his grip and they stood up.

"Let's do it again," Ash said, excitedly she gathered together more bottles and lined them up on the counter.

"Let's back up a bit." Mon-El suggested, "We'll be safer that way."

Ash turned to look at him. "We're indestructible, we're safe anyway." Mon-El glared at her in a nonmenacing way. "Fine," Ash said, with resentment, she backed up 10 feet. "Happy now?"

"Greatly." Mon-El backed up as well.

"Okay, let's get this party started." Ash used her heat vision to hit the bottle on the end. It exploded the bottle next to it exploded. The bottles all exploded in a line, glass flying everywhere.


I'm thinking of having a contest for someone to make a cover for this story. If you think I should have a contest, comment. Thanks for reading!

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