Chapter 4 - Meeting Sabers Friends

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I'm So Sorry This Took So Long Everyone :( I've Been Doing A Lot Of College Work At Stuff So It Took A While But I Hope You'll All Forgive Me :) Please Comment and Vote On My Book And I Hope You Enjoy This Chapter :)

Well Enjoy...


Saber woke up into a very quiet house. Hunter was returning but got delayed, Dawn went to go get Silver, Eloy and Lazarus  was doing some organizing for a ball they were holding in celebration for Eloy and Irinada. 

Saber walked down stairs after truing back into her human for only to see Irinada looking threw a photo album with her mother Alana. Saber stepped into the room saying causing them to look up at her, "I'm going out to meet my friends. If Mama Or Papa come back please tell them not to worry". 

With that said Saber turned to walk away, "Saber?" Saber turned around to see Irinada walking behind her. She smiled asking, "can I come with you?". Saber gave her an confused look asking, "you want to come along? I thought your waiting for Eloy". Irinada giggled explaining, "i was but I want to get to know you and spend time with you. Is that OK?"

Saber nodded while smiling. 



Saber waved to her friends when she saw them. Today they were going shopping to get some Christmas presents. 

When they all got together Saber notice a very pretty girl next to Alex, "hey Alex who's your friend?". Alex friend giggled as Alex smiled, "this is my new girlfriend Eva. She's a witch and must have cast a spell on me when we met". 

Everyone burst into laughter at Alex's little joke. Saber shook her hand smiling as she smiled back to her. Eva was a very beautiful girl, she has sparkling long blond hair that mach her shining purple eyes. She wore a black dress with long sleeves with a black cape; on top of her head was her pointed hat. In her ears were one pumpkin earring and once star earring. 

Saber smiled looking at her, yes she was the right girl for Alex and Saber knew she was a match for him. "Saber you also have brought a new friend", Abby's voice broke threw her thoughts, she smiled at them then looked at Irinada, "this is Irinada Eloy's mate she wanted to come along and the more friends the merrier".

Irinada smiled brightly. Saber called her a friend and she was glad Saber has forgiven her. She looked at the different people Saber pointed to and shook there hands while Saber introduced them, "Irinada this is the werewolf twins Abby and Eddie. This is the big brother of the group Alex he's a human". 

Irinada smiled saying, "nice to meet you all". 

Everyone was happy to meat finally meat Eloy's mate. Alex was taking to Eddie about something while the girls giggled with each other. Abby was so giggly, "I can't wait till Christmas I'm buying Eddie that figure hes always wanted, Alex that book he likes so much but that's all I'm saying girls". 

Eva looked at the other asking, "what dose Alex like? I don't know what to get him at all". Saber smiled replying, "he likes book, art, music but he love homemade things like crafting things that come from he heart". 

Eva smiled brightly giggling, "I know what I'll do form him I hope he loves it". 



The Alex and Eddie went off go find what they needed. After Saber explain what Eloy likes to Irinada Eva and Irinada also went to do some shopping as well. Saber noticed Eva and Irinada getting on and becoming friends.

Saber hoped that Irinada and Eva could become BFFs. Like the others Abby and Saber went to do some shopping, like Abby promise before Saber was taken away. Saber shook her head to make those memories out of her head.  

Today was a relaxing day and a great day. Today was the 8th December so everyone was going to buy some presents. Yes it wasn't Christmas yet but if they left it to the last minute things would be higher in price, it would be crowded, things would be closed and sold out. 

"Oh Saber look at this" Abby giggled pointing at something in the window. saber ran up to her and looked at what she was pointing at. 

Saber gasped and jumped up and down excitedly. The window was displaying the perfect present for her Mama and Papa. It was a red heart pitcher frame with little pitcher frames in the inside.

She would take pictures of the whole family including Irinada's family and put them in the middle like a big family photo.

"That would be perfect for Mama and Papa" Saber clapped.

This was a very fun day and Saber was glad that Irinada made a new friend and was having a good time. When they all met back up again they never showed what they bought to each other. Even Irinada kept her mouth zipped. 

Irinada was glad she came with Saber. She made a new friend and made friends with Saber friends as well. Yes she was glad she was met Saber friends, they were friendly and understanding and she hoped she made many friends of her own in the future.


I'm Sorry It Took So Long Guys I'm Really Sorry I've Been Doing My College Work And Stuff Like That But I Promise It Wont Take As Long :) Please Comment And Vote I'd Love To Hear Your Options On This Book :) Thanks For Reading Everyone And I Hope You Liked This Chapter And The Other Chapters :) Also I Know Its Past Christmas But I Was Delayed When Writing This :) So Please No Comments Saying Its Not Christmas And More Please :) Thanks So Much Comment And Vote :) Thanks For Reading :) Bye

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