Chapter 5 - Mandy's Back

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Hi I'm So Sorry It Took So Long I Had A Lot Of College Work To Do :( However I Hope You All Can Forgive Me :) Enjoy This Chapter And Please Comment And Vote For This Book :) Also This Is A Christmas Book And Yes I Know What Date It Is And It's Late :) But I Had A Lot To Do Then So I Hope You Enjoy It :)  Thanks

Well Enjoy...


Saber met back up with everyone they decided to have some lunch. Saber was happy that lrinada found a friend. However she felt eyes on her which made her feel uneasy, these eyes felt dangerous, unsafe, evil, turning her head to look around she didn't see anyone or anything. 

She guessed lrinada felt it to because she started looking round. Feeling unsafe Saber announced, "hey guys why don't we call it a day? So we can rap up our Christmas presents?". Everyone smiled while nodding there head. 

Abby and Eddie went back to their pack saying their goodbyes then changing into there wolves. lrinada, Saber, Alex and Eva all went back to the vampire mansion. 

Once they arrived something seemed off. Eloy was outside looking mad and there was alot of guards and Alana.

Seeing her mate in distress lrinada ran over to Eloy hugging him wanting to comfort him. Irinada felt Eloy stroke her hair and was happy when she felt his mussels relax, "Eloy whats wrong? Mother whats going on?".

Alana looked at her daughter saying, "I don't know my child. A human called Mandy has just arrived and Lazarus and Dawn are talking to her". Before she could ask who Mandy was, Alex's and Saber voice reached her ears, "WHAT!! MANDY BACK!!".

Both of them sounded angry and she could see the confusion on her mothers face and her new friend Eva's face. 

Everyone went into the mansion when Lazarus called them back in, but all went tense when Saber and Alex saw Mandy. Saber was the first to react, she ran over to Mandy with pure hate in her genital eyes but what stopped by Eloy and Lazarus. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU MONSTER GO BACK TO PRISON WERE YOU BELONG!! ILL KILL YOU!!" Saber yelled. She wanted to kill her, she wanted her Papa and brother to let her go so she could kill her. Make her pay for what she did.

However her body went limb when she felt a presence in her mind, someone was controling her body, closing her eyes to fright the intruder she saw Savager's sliver eyes looking into her mind.

Mind linking to him she ask, "what are you doing Papa Savage? let me go...I want to kill this monster for what she did". Saber felt Savage stroke her cheek replying, "My Saber please calm down. I know this human as coursed great pain for all of you but control your emotions. Remember what I told you my sweet, you control your powers and emotion not the other way around".

Understand Savage, Saber took deep breaths and felt Savage leave her mind when she was clam. Savage could enter people minds and control them but he only entered her mind when it was necessary. 

Saber began to purr when she felt Lazarus and Eloy's hand massage her saber ears. Lazarus looked down thanking Savage once again then kissed Saber's forehead, "well done Saber. Good girl".



Everyone sat down, Alex told Eva, Alana and lrinada what happened and they were angry, Eva was mad when Alex told her she was his ex and was a leach. 

Lazarus looked at everyone explaining, "yes Mandy is out of prison early. This is because someone tryed to blow up the prison and take Mandy. We have no idea what it was all about and nether dose Mandy so she will start her survives to us tomorrow morning". 

Everyone nodded their heads. Why would someone try to blow up the human prison then take away one person, that dose not make any sense.

lrinada took Eloy's hand as Silver ran up to hm giving him a big hug, "hi big brother, I heard you've found your mate". Eloy smiled at his little sister and pointed to lrinada, "Silver this is my mate lrinada, lrinada this is my little sister Sliver". 

Both of the girls smiled at each other. Eloy took Sliver to the kitchen were Alana was with lrinada  following behind him. Lazarus, Dawn and Saber went to sort out Mandy's things leaving Mandy, Alex and Eva alone. 

Mandy looked at Alex asking, "how have you been Alex?", Alex looked at her replying flatly, "fine". Mandy eyes wondered to Eva who was holding his hand their fingers entwined. Getting jealous Mandy asked, "And who's she?". 

Before Alex could reply Eva bet him to it, "i'm his GIRLFRIEND my name is Eva and you will leave Alex alone. I'm a witch so don't mess with me". With that said Eva stood up with Alex following behind her.

Saber heard everything and was glad Alex had Eva. She was a perfect match for him, Eva was perfect and Saber knew Alex made a right choice in dating her. Saber was brought out of her thoughts when Lazarus began to stroke her making her purr. 

Dawn hugged her daughter as she purred saying, "Saber we are so proud of you. You controlled your emotions well, I'm really happy that you calmed yourself your improving so much". Saber was happy to hear her mother say that to her. 

Saber looked over at her Papa asking, "Papa what do you think going on?" Lazarus looked at her replying, "I don't know my pet but i'm having some of our vampire police to do an investigation. This doesn't make any sense to me". 

saber nodded her head not understand the situation either. Saber feel asleep trying to think about it but the only thought that entered her mind was the only thing she could think off...

Mandy was back...


There You Have It :) I Hope You All Enjoyed Reading It :) Please Comment If You Have Any Ideas Or Questions And Please Vote :) Well Thanks For Reading And Thanks For Your Support :) Ill Update As Soon As I Can For You All :) Bye Guys

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