Chapter 17 - Getting Eloy Back

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Hey Guys It's Wednesday And You Know What That Means! A New Update For You All :) I Hope You Enjoy It And Like Reading The Story :) I'm Sorry I Lost The Flow For This Book But I Am Determine To Finish It Guys :D Please Comment & Vote Guys :) Enjoy...


Hunter P.O.V

I flew in my dragon form towards Eloy's scent, I was close and the sooner I get Eloy and destroy Embia the better  then I can kill that monster who killed my family! I will take away what he took away from me see if he think a "sorry" will make everything ok. 

Shaking my head I got my thoughts straight and noticed I was quickly getting closer to a abandoned castle that looked that it could fall down at any moment. Hearing a groaning noise I saw Eloy beaten and tied to a pole on the tallest tower, "Eloy!" I yelled flying towards him making him weakly look up at me. 

As soon as he saw me Eloy quickly started shaking his head, "s..stay away...t...trap" he spoke making me stop, "trap? Where?" I asked him wanting to get him down safe and sound. But when I slowly started flying lower trying to think of a plan I was attacked by a pure black werecat. The werecat dug it's claws into my side throwing me on my back and away from Eloy, "so glad you could join us Hunter" the voice of I assumed Embia growled through a mind link.

"I will make you pay for everything you have done to Saber and Eloy!!" I rowed getting up and standing to be full height spreading my wings taking to the air breathing my fire onto him. I never knew how quick werecats could be... This was going to be a long fight...


Saber P.O.V

We were still running... I don't know how long for but I was slowing down getting tired, "Saber my pet slow yourself down or else you may pass out" Papa ordered making his horse run beside me making sure I was slowing down. Not only that but I felt Savage in my mind almost taking control of me so I don't hurt myself. 

"Look up there" Irinada yelled pointing towards a shadow flying around a tower but as soon as I saw the fire I knew who it was, "Hunter! It's Hunter and he's fighting someone!" Mama yelled then cried out when we all saw Eloy tied up to some pole in the sky, "why would he do that?" I thought threw the mind link to everyone.

It hurt seeing my brother like that... He's been beaten that was for sure but tied to a pole so high? I'm not even sure why Embia did that, "sun... Embia want's Eloy to reach the sun as soon as it comes up so it will burn him!" Savage yelled clear worry in his voice. When I saw Hunter being forced down by Embia I did't have another thought.

I rowed myself and bolted towards them wanting to help both my mate and my brother, I felt Irinada change herself she was no longer scared but more angry and worried for her mate. But I knew as such as I wanted to help Hunter fight we had to get Eloy 1st as the sun showed sighs off coming up and soon burning Eloy skin just that little bit. 

I turned back to my human for with Irinada by my side and we slowly went up the very unstable stairs to get Eloy, when I heard Embia scream I looked down and noticed my family was there helping Hunter that made me smile. 

Once we reached the top Irinada jumped ahead and started to climb getting to Eloy while I was having trouble moving, "WHERE DID THAT MONSTER GO!!" Savage/Lazarus bellowed making me flinch, "what? Embia gone?" I though to myself as I climbed half way threw the window but was pulled away from it harshly making me cry in pain, "hello little sister... miss me?" Embia growled an evil insane smirk on his face as he help me away from the window. 

"You... You" I growled not finding the right word to describe him, however he just laughed seeing Irinada come back towards me with a very hurt Eloy, "Embia stop! You've lost and I will never love you!" Irinada told him rage clear in her eyes. Embia just shook his head tutting at her"oh my dear Irinada... You will be mine either you want it or not.. But I must punish you for your harsh words" he smirked before throwing me down the stairs.

The last thing I saw was Embia launch towards Eloy and Irinada before I met with darkness...


Eloy P.O.V

I moaned out in pain as Embia made me fly off the tower while he had a hold of Irinada who cried seeing what he just did to my sister. However before I could reach the ground I was winded when dad caught me placing me on my feet, "easy son..." he told me and I knew he and Savage was one again... Not like I blame them they tend to do that when battle or danger is near. 

I panted a little standing up looking up, "Irinada?" I whispered worried, I just lost her to Embia and now I can't protect her down here, "I'm right here Eloy" she called hugging into me... Wait... What?

She was just up there how the hell she down here? I pushed her away a little showing her my confused look, "what? Are you surprised that I can make a copy of myself that last's just long enough for me to get away?" she smirked at me causing me to chuckle at her, "no my love I ecpected nothing less" I teased hugging her to my chest even though it did cause me a little bit of pain.

"Wait... Where Saber, Hunter & Embia?" Dawn asked worried about our pet and Hunter, "I'm not sure mother... I saw Embia throw Saber down the stairs..." I mumbles tears welling in my eyes seeing the fear on Sabers face... I don't want that to be the last image of her in my mind.

"Don't worry there over here" Jackson smiled walking towards us with Hunter by his side carrying Saber bridle style, "SABER!" father/Savage yelled going towards her but Hunter only growled hugging Saber close to him.

Jackson shook his head push Lazarus away, "I'll explain later right now we have to get Saber to a hosbital and fast" he told us and we all snapped into to action while the only thought in my head was... Dav Ja Vo all over again...

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