Chapter 19 - King & Queen

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Hey guys RockiWolf16 here with the last chapter :( I know you've all enjoyed this story and I have as well and I'm so happy that you've read it and bared with me when I lost touch with this story then found it again :) Please comment & vote guys tell me what you think :D Thank you so much for reading and of course enjoy...


Irinada P.O.V

 I was a shaking mess, I could feel my shakes getting worse as Saber with the help of Sliver helped me into my dress, "don't be so shaky... You'll do brilliant" Saber winked fastening the lase of my corset, "easy for you to say... You've not got hundreds of people stair at you while your being growled" I groaned causing her laugh, "true but I'm also being declared a princess as Hunter being declared prince".

I thought about that and nodded she was right in a way that was a very big thing to happen... Though got to be little selfish here I'm being crowned queen today!! What if I screw up and make everyone hate me.

"I think you'll make an amazing queen" Silver giggled spinning around showing off her lovely dress, "thanks" I muttered blushing my head off causing them to aw and tease me. When we playfully started fight a knock on the door stopped us making us look seeing Dawn come through, "you 3 look amazing... I'm very proud of you Saber and you Irinada" she smiled causing me to blush more.

"B...But Dawn I don't think I can do this... Your an amazing queen I can't be like you" I told her my worries coming forward making the buterfulys in my tummy worse, "I don't want you to be like me dear. I want you to be you, and yes being queen stuff but I know you and Eloy will make a brilliant King and Queen" she spoke kissing me on my forehead causing me to smile at her. 

Dawn opened the door nodding at me smiling, "it is time my dears... Come" she ordered softly leading us out she stopped at the door I was about to come through moments after, "wait here until your called... I'm so proud of you all" Dawn spoke again taking Silver with her leafing me and Saber behind the door.


Eloy P.O.V

I was rubbing my hands together getting nervous all of a sudden, I know I was waiting for this say for so long but now it's here I almost feel... Scared? worried? I was not sure as I took a deep breath, "stop overthinking it my son your both ready for the crown" father spoke as we made out way to the door where he was mum went through to be crown...Now its mine and Irinada's turn.

"It's not that... I just got all these's feeling running through me right now father... What if I don't make a good King?" I asked him a little worried about messing up, "I wont lie Eloy there will be times were you mess up either as a pare or separate. But that is all about learning to be King, you'll make a fine King and I know you and Irinada will be perfect" he smiled opening his door and going through it.

I took a deep breath once again letting out a breath, "you act like its your wedding day vampire boy" Hunter teased making me glance at him, "please I can tell your worries as well... Since you and my sister are being declared Prince and Princess" I spoke back crossing my arms as he froze a little, "ok you got me there... But surly Weddings are worse" he replied making us both me quiet.

I've no clue which is more worrying being crowned or your own wedding though thinking about Irinada in her dress and our honeymoon made me shiver, "dirty boy" Hunter mutter, but before I could kill him for that remark we heard our names being called, "Mr Hunter, Prince Eloy please come forward" Lazarus yelled, the door was opened for us and we walked towards where my parents stood at there thrones.

We both walked and stopped in front of Lazarus, Dawn smiled before calling Saber and Irinada, "Miss Saber and Miss Irinada please come forward" and they did the same as me and Hunter. I could not help looked at Irinada... She looked breath taking... Amazing... There's not enough words to describe her and how beautiful she looked right now. 

A member of the high council came forward as mother and father turned to look at him, "King Lazarus, Queen Dawn do you declare Mr Hunter and Miss Saber Prince and Princess?... Do you declare they have earned the title and will look out for the Kingdom?" he asked my parents they took the little crowns, "we do! They have earned it by working hard and looked out for the Kingdom getting rid of a evil" they spoke together as the council member nodded, "let them be titled! Come forward Saber and Hunter".

I watched my sister and friend be crowned earning the title of Prince and Princess there names written in the Book Of Royals. After they were done Saber and Hunter stepped to the side making room for me and Irinada.

Oh god our turn...

"Prince Eloy, Miss Irinada please step forward" the high concil ordered, I stood next to Lazarus and Irinada next to Dawn, "King Lazarus, Queen Dawn do you declare Prince Eloy and Miss Irinada King and Queen?... Do you declare they will be the new King and Queen and serve the Kingdom with there lives?" and they nodded, "we do" the high council kept going, "are you ready to step down and let your child and his mate become King and Queen"

Both Lazarus and Dawn took of there crowns putting there crowns on top of our heads... God this is real now... "King Eloy... Queen Irinada kneel" he spoke and we did as told as he put both his hands on out heads, "do you vow to serve your Kingdom with your lives? Do you vow to look after your people? Do you vow to rule strictly but kindly?" 

I spoke up first, "I King Eloy vow to protect, serve and rule with a strong but kind heart"  then Iranda followed my lead, "I Q...Queen Irinada also vow to protect with my life, serve with faith and rule with a fair and kind heart" the high council blessed us before telling us to stand, "clam what is both your King Eloy and Queen Irinada" he spoke and both me and my beautiful mate sat down on our thrones.

Everyone cheered and clapped celebrating there new King and Queen... It was real... Me and my Irinada are now King and Queen of the vampire Kingdom...

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