Chapter 13 - Please Forgive Me Saber

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Hey Guys So Sorry Its Taking So Long But I've Been Busy With Work But I Promise To Not Leave it So Long Again :) I'll Be Updating Once A Week On This Books I Promise :) I Hope You Like This Chapter :) Please Comment And Vote Guys :) Thanks So Reading :) I Hope You Enjoy This Chapter :) Enjoy...


Irinada hugged her father tight as she cried on his shoulder. He was calmly stroking her back telling her sweet nothings into her ear trying to get her to clam down, "shh baby its ok we'll find him" Alana spoke stroking her daughter's hair.

But irindad didn't move, she still hugged her father tight not wanting to let go. She's missing Eloy already she missed his voice and how he greeted her, his charming ways...She misses everything about him. 

The door of the living room opened causing them to look at the door and Lazarus, Dawn, Sliver and Saber all came in the door looking very angry and upset...They had every right to be, "anything?" Jackson asked wanting to give a little hope for his baby girl.

Lazarus shook his head, "I'm sorry no...Who would want to take Eloy away he has no enemies?" Dawn asked mostly to herself then anyone else "I don't know my dear but they will pay with their lives for this". 

Irinada did move from her spot to look at Saber, she looked down as well like the others. They been searching for a whole day not and still nothing...Not one clue. "Saber can you...Forgive me for hurting your mate?"  Irianda asked.

Saber growled looking at irinada straight in the eye, "NO! I will not forgive you, first your family hurt mine and now Hunters hurt because your father took away his parents". Irinada cried on her fathers shoulder begging, "please forgive me Saber...Please forgive my father". 

But that only made Saber more mad, "No!!! Have someone do the same to you and then see if you can forgive them!! YOU hurt my mate". Dawn went in front of Saber and cupped both cheeks with her hands, "baby girl I know its hard when your mate in pain to forgive someone but Eloy would not want this...Please Saber forgive her and her family wrong doings". 

Saber did not know what to feel at the moment looking down she spoke, " I'm not sure if I can...I've never seen Hunter that upset before...How can I forgive Irinada for hurting him like that and the same goes for you Mr Jackson". Lazarus put his hands on Saber shoulders one Dawn stepped away, before he spoke, "Saber yes I know your in pain because Hunter is and it dose not help with Eloy gone...However it takes someone with a true heart and a true princess to forgive someone".

Saber looked down thinking about what her Papa just said. It's heard to forgive someone for doing a past mistake however big it is but it takes some guts and a big heart to forgive them again and let them fix what they have done.

Knowing this was the case Saber nodded, "yer I can forgive you but...I don't know if Hunter can" Jackson and his family nodded in understanding, "thank you Saber"...


I Hoped You Liked It Guys :) I Know Its A Bit Short But I Felt bad For Leaving It For So Long But I Promise I'll Update Once A Week :) Please Comment & Vote Guys Thanks So Much For Reading :) Your All The Best :) Ask Any Questions :) Bye For Now Guys :) Bye From RockiWolf16:) Bye...

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