Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


As Brooke stands in front of us, we get more and more excited.

"Come on, Unc. What's with the suspense?" Ronnie asks.

"For the past few weeks, after we all met at Steph and Johnny's house," Brooke pauses and looks at each of us pointedly. "The kids wanted to do something special for you and show off how hard they and their tutors have been working. So today, we have Ralph Junior, William, Quincy, Benjamin, and Stephen here to perform various songs that will put permanent smiles on your faces. Please welcome the New New Edition!"

Dressed in identical red sequin suits, the boys walk out into the sitting room with tiny microphone stands. After setting the stands down, they turn to face away from us. Wally turns around first.

"Hey. My name is Stephen but everyone calls me Wally. Although he wasn't a part of the group at this time, I'll be my dad, Johnny Gill Junior, today." Wally says and Johnny, Steph, and Tre cheer.

Ben turns next. "I'm Benjamin but everybody calls me Ben. Imma be Ricky Bell."

"No big intro needed when you the best, right, Neph?" Ricky says and Ben just smiles.

RJ turns with a big smile. "Hello," he saysI clearly. "My name is Ralph Junior better known as RJ, Lil Rizz or Lil Rizzo. Today, I will be Ralph Senior."

"That's my boy!" Ralph stands up and does a stupid dance. I have to pull him down with a smile.

Mini Mike turns around. "I'm Quincy. Everybody calls me Q or Mini Mike cuz I act like my daddy. So Imma be my daddy, Michael, today." He smiles his sweet, dimpled smile.

Finally, Will turns. "I'm William but all the ladies call me Will," he says and we all laugh. "I'm going to be the smooth dancer, my uncle Ronnie."

"You better, boy!" Ronnie claps the loudest.

They all just smile before Brooke starts the music. Candy Girl starts playing through the speakers and we all smile wider if possible.

They start singing and dancing as if they had written and performed the song. It was a simple choreography that they could all easily do.

"...Hey fellas!" RJ shouts and the boys respond with "What?" "Check out Mike and Bobby's little lady!"

"Ooohhweee!" They all shout.

"Well check out Ricky and Ralph's!" Mini shouts and they shout together again.

"What about Ronnie's?" Ben asks.

"She's bad. She's bad. I know she's bad." Will drops down to the ground like Ronnie always does during his part.

They finish the song and quickly go into another one. They do Is This End beautifully. Our smiles never leave our faces.

"Momma told me one day it was gonna happen. But she never told me when. She told me it would happen when I was much older. Wish it woulda happened then." Ben sings two times before the boys join in with him.

Tre gets restless in Steph's lap as they finish the song. He starts wiggling around and making a fuss.

"What's this?" Brooke says from the stereo. "Do we have a little drama king in the mix?"

Tre jumps up just as My Prerogative starts playing. He sings and dances like Bobby would causing Bobby to jump up and start dancing.

Of course prerogative is too big a word for Tre to say so he says "It's my pre-Right!". When Tre stops dancing, we all stand up and clap.

"We have another Bobby Brown? Do we really need two?" Ronnie jokes.

"You've corrupted my son." Johnny shakes his head.

"Oh come here." I walk over to RJ. He wraps his arms around me and Ralph with a big smile. We all hug the kids with the biggest smiles.

They were amazing. So much natural talent at such a young age. And they honestly looked like they enjoyed themselves.

"Can we go on tour now?" Lucy asks. We look at her. "Me, Kim, and Jackson are learning Mommy and Aunties' stuff. Uncle Brooke teaching us. We tour with you."

Steph, Jacque, and I share looks. This tour will be the one that changes everything.

"I don't know if you can actually perform with us but I know if all three of you beg your uncles and daddies they can't say no to all of you coming on tour with us." I say after kneeling to their level.

The girls run over to the guys and start doing the best puppy dog eyes ever. Before five minutes can pass, they have the guys saying yes to tour.

"Now come on. It's too beautiful outside to not be in the pool. Who wants to go swimming?" Johnny claps his hands together. The kids scramble to find their swim stuff in the room that leads outside to the pool.

"Is it smart to have them come on tour, Steph?" I ask as the guys get the kids ready to go swimming.

"I don't know," She answers. "But how could we tell them no? We know what city it is that it happens. We'll make sure they aren't there for that."

"The nannies and tutor can take care of them that night," Jacque offers and I just nod. "I want to protect them too, but like Steph said, how can we tell them no? We only have so much time left with them. We need every moment we can get."

"Right. At least they'll get to travel the world. Most kids never get to leave their home city." I say and they smile.

"That's very true. They'll be seeing far more than kids their age ever get to see," Brooke says as he comes back into the room. "Come on. The guys wanted to rush in and surprise you by throwing you in the pool but I told them that wasn't a good idea."

"Thanks, Brooke." Steph rolls her eyes before going outside. Jacque and I follow Brooke outside to see the kids splashing in the swallow end of the pool with the guys.

"Stephie! Get in!" Bobby shouts with Tre on his shoulders.

"In a few." Steph promises with a smile.

"There's swimsuits in the room right there. I'm sure they're for us." Jacque says. We go change and jump into the pool at the same time with cannon balls.

We spend the rest of the day swimming and playing the kids because Brooke cancelled all of our other events to spend time together.

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