(5) You Blush As Red As A Cherry Tomato Every Time You Lie.

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"I am so disappointed in you Cas. I mean just cause he's hot doesn't mean he's sweet. Take the hint. Dark leather? That bad boy smirk? Bad news." Tessa remarked, playing with her school lunch again.

"Ooh. Are we talking about Carter Wayford?" A girl giggles from behind me.

"Tell us everything." A boy interrupts, joining us too.

Meet Greyson McKinley and Laila Landis. The heart and soul of this school. They'll probably be one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Although...They can be rather annoying at times too. I don't understand why they hang out around us though. They should be over with Alissa and her posse obsessing over Harry Styles or something.

"Greyson! Stop being so nosy!" Laila rolled her eyes, playfully elbowing him.

"Shut the fuck up Laila!" He groans.

"Stop it! Greyson!" She whimpers, slumping down in her seat. "You know how I feel about cursing." She shuddered.

"Break it up. Break it up. Now both of you shut your mouths unless you want to face the anger of my fist." Tessa rolled her eyes. "Anyways, back to Carter Wayford..."

"You guys talking about Carter?" Alissa winked, joining into our conversation too.

"Oh my god, Alissa." I rolled my eyes.

"Your just jealous about what me and Carter have. You and me both know he has it for only one girl...And that's me!" She batted her lashes, flashing a snarky stuck up smile at all of us.

"And do any of us care? No." Tessa snaps, patting Alissa's head lightly. "You and me both know you are lying."

"Why don't you shut your mouth-"

"Just go away Alissa! Can't you tell you're not wanted here?" Tessa groaned, narrowing her eyes at her.

That girl can get really annoyed at times.

"Fine. But just to let you know Cas, Carter likes me. Me only."

"But you guys just met yesterday-"

"Me! He likes me!" She screams, before sashaying her way back to her table.

"What a brat." I sighed.

"God, Alissa really must hate y'all." Laila giggled, glancing back at her. "She's such a sweet girl once you get to know her.

"I mean, she was a sweet girl." I whispered, glancing back at Alissa too.



One minute left before I can escape this hell.

Tick, tick, tick.

Oh my god. Will these freaking clocks stop taunting me? Just hurry up so that I can get out.


"Finally!" Tessa yelled, before yanking my arm and leading me to outside. "We need to talk."

"Talk?" I cocked my head to the side.

Oh shoot. This isn't about the C+ she made on her History test, right?

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