Update and future plans!!

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Hey babes, guess who's back from a long break! I'm ready to write as well as stick with it. I don't want to leave y'all hanging again! I was in a big slump for a while and I'm ready to get back into writing!! I plan to write His Firefly for right now (and I have some GREAT ideas for His Firefly so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go read it!! It's very similar to this one and TSP and I'd love to gain more views and support so that it gets out there in the Wattpad world!) and afterwards I will be working on TSP and during/afterwards I will be making MAJOR changes to this book IMABWTBB!! Yes, time for some revision! After my break and slump I feel like my writing style has matured and I reread IMABWTBB and thought it was very childish. I could definitely do way better and there are so many plot holes and errors that I'd love to revise and fix. I'd love to edit it so that it fits my writing style better, now that I've grown. I'd love to make it a little more serious sounding and mature, I'd also love for it to remain funny and comedic!! So without further ado, please go check my book HIS FIREFLY. I'm very excited!! Thank you guys for being apart of my world, writing has impacted my life in so many ways.

OMG AND THANK YOU FOR 1 MIL I AM SO APPRECIATIVE AND I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YALL WHO HAVE READ THIS BOOK. It truly means so much to me that you are able to put aside your own time and read this book and put up with it!! 💛


I Made A Bet With The Bad Boy ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora