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(2 Weeks Later)

It's the end of school and I decide to look for him. I know exactly where to find him. I need to talk to him. I need to know why he all of a sudden hates me. Why is he ignoring me?

The place where it all started.

So I walk to the place where I first saw his bike. Where we first met. And surprise surprise, I find his motorcycle parked right outside.

I run my hand across the slick and smooth black metal. I remember it like yesterday when I first met him.

"This was where it all started." Carter whispers behind me. I turn around and give a sheepish smile.

"Listen, I came to talk to you." I look down, playing with my pinkie. It's always been a habit whenever I'm nervous.

"What's there to talk about?" He questions, leaning against the wall of the building. Now that I think about it, don't all 'bad boys' have that stereotypical pose where they lean against a brick wall and stare off into outer space smoking that cigarette? No...Ok. I got the message.

"Ok I'm just going to get to the point. Why are you so mad at me?! Carter, I just don't get it." I look up at him, catching his eyes.

"Of course you don't get it." He answers, rolling his eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I roll my eyes back.

"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated." He mutters, kicking the ground with his feet.

"About what?!" I sigh out, stepping closer to him. Why can't he just tell me why he is such an ass?!

And then there is that awkward silence. Probably for a minute. I hate awkward silences.

"I'm frustrated because of you, Cassie."


"I like you Cas. And I get so fucking angry when I see Jace talking to you." He answers, running his hand through his hair.

Haha, I think I just heard Carter say he likes me. My ears must be playing tricks on me again...

Oh wait. He actually said that out loud.

Carter Wayford likes me. Oh my god. What do I do? Do I say I like him back? Are those butterflies in my stomach?

Wait. Do I like him back? Oh my god. I think I like Carter again. Why is my heart so freaking confusing? And what about Jace? I forgot about him too!

"And you don't deserve someone like me especially when there are guys like Jace and Greyson out there. Those guys are sweet and aren't jerks. They follow the rules and barely get into trouble." He sighs again and moves to sit down on the bench right next to him.

"God no Carter! You think I want a guy that acts all perfect and follows the rules? Things are so much fun and better with you..." I cry out, laughing a little. I move right next to him on the bench. "I think I like you too Carter."

And then my lips are on his. This time I wouldn't push him off, because this felt right. This kiss wasn't like the way I kissed Jace or any other. This one felt right. As if Carter was "the one". Our lips move together as if we've done this before a million times. His arms are secured around my waist and my hands are in his hair. I think I've been waiting for this moment, judging by the way my mind and body is wanting 'more'. Maybe I've just been too scared to admit my feelings to myself...

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