(19) Looking For Me?

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"Slow yourself Cassie!" Tessa rolled her eyes. But when she immediately got up and looked at my face, I could tell she was sorry for me. "Aw, Cas what happened? Are you ok?"

"Cassie, what happened." Laila repeats. I don't know if I can talk about it, because I know I'm going to look like an idiot crying my heart out. But I give it a shot because I know that them bothering me will just make things worse.

"Carter." I sob out. I try wiping away the tears, but they are replaced with more and more. I tell them everything I saw and every single thought I had. By the time I'm done, all the makeup Tessa and Laila worked hard on is washed off by my own tears.

Yup. Even the eyeliner.

"That lousy son of a fat douchebag! He doesn't know what he's giving up!" Laila growls. "The next time I see him I will rip his head off of his body."

"Thanks Laila." I sniffle out. "It's nice to know that I have some friends to support me."

Tessa engulfs me into a hug with Laila hugging right after. "It'll be alright Cas. I told you he would do bad things." She sighs.

"I should've listened to you. It sucks."

"And it was with Alissa too. Ouch." I shoot Laila a look of sadness. Why did she have to bring that up too? "I'm sorry Cas. I forgot about how she is your worst enemy."

"It's ok. But out of all the people, it was her. And I still have to go to his house tomorrow and babysit Ashton!" I sigh.

"Wait." Tessa all of a sudden says, as if she's just remembering something. "You did let him explain himself, right?"

I consider this in my head for a second. He was trying to explain what happened to me...Right?

Fuck it. He was kissing my mortal enemy, how can there be any excuse for that?!

"But he was kissing Alissa! We're talking Alissa here! There is no possible excuse for kissing my mortal enemy!" I roll my eyes.

"Wait, Cassie. Tessa might have a point. I mean it's Alissa. She could have forced or manipulated him into kissing her." Laila raises her eyebrow.

Oh come on. Carter would be able to fight off Alissa. He's Carter for goodness sakes!

"Are you guys seriously going against me? My boyfrie-significant other, just kissed Alissa!"

I mean, if he really loved me, he would have been trying to get to me. But he decided to stay and kiss Alissa.

I would love to hear his excuse for that-Note the sarcasm.

"Chill yourself. We're on your side. But, we sorta left our stuff in the house. Stay here while I go get your stuff." Tessa yawns. "Be right back."

And then I'm left alone. Sniffling. A little bit of crying. But relieved that it's sorta over.

I hobble my way over to the bench in the middle of her neighborhood.

Why are there benches everywhere nowadays?

"Cassie, are you ok?"

"Jace?" I look up. Yay, another one of Carter's minions to hug the shit out of me. "Are you going to tell me that Carter didn't mean all that shit?" I roll my eyes.

I Made A Bet With The Bad Boy ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin