(16) 2 AM

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Off in the corner of my room I hear the xylophone ringtone playing off of my phone.

Who is calling me at 2 in the morning? Girls need their beauty sleep.

Fuck it. I'm sure they'll stop calling me.


You might be wondering: "Did they stop calling her?"

Here's the answer to that question, no.

It's been 30 minutes and the ringing noise hasn't stopped. I have a busy day of school tomorrow and I don't want detention from falling asleep in class because some moron decided to call me late at night.

More like early in the morning but you get it.


Fuck this I can't take it anymore.

I hobble over to the corner of my room where I plugged my phone in.

Sexiest Guy On The Planet Is Calling

Hmm. I'm guessing that's Carter huh?

"Hello? Carter?" I answer. My voice is raspy and I'm agitated that he's calling me at this time.

"I was thinking about you Cassie." He says through the phone. Aww, how sweet.

"I'm going to punch your face tomorrow because you woke me up to tell me that you thought about me. Just write it in your diary or something." I yawn. It's 2:43 in the morning and I would appreciate it if he would let me go to sleep now.

"No, wait. I was thinking about you. But, I thought about something else too."

"Oh that's great! Now let me go to sleep Carter or I will seriously punch you tomorrow." I mutter.

"Just wait. Do you want to know about what else I thought?" He chuckles.


"It was that-"


"You just-"


"Lost the bet."

"No. Wait what?"

"Yep. I was thinking something was weird and I was like, that stupid bet! You lost it Cassie." He laughs through the phone.

"Carter! You woke me up to tell me I just lost the stupid bet!? I am so going to get you tomorrow!" I growl.

What? A girl needs her sleep.

"I doubt you will. Goodnight sweetheart. Or should I say, good morning! Love ya!"

And then he hangs up.

I'll be honest, I'm pretty bummed out about the bet. I think we both forgot about it. It's been like a month already and things have changed drastically. But I'll just beg Carter to help me get revenge on Alissa some other day. All I care about right now is my sleep and how comfy my bed is.


Oh my god what is that terrible noise? Is it Carter calling me again? Oh my god it better not be him...

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