(22) Jealousy Isnt A Pretty Color On You.

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"Shh. Be quiet." Ashton giggles up at me.

We're hiding under the stairs in the closet-ish-cupboard. It's good enough for one person to hide, but Ashton insisted that we both hide in here. I hug Ashton so that we fit in a bit better, but really, it's probably only me that's the uncomfortable one. I think I'm sitting on a bunch of nails...

"He'll never find us." I smile.

But that's more like a lie. I can hear his footsteps walking closer and closer.

"I wonder where they are..." He says, raising his voice so that we can hear. "Surely they're not in the CLOSET. They wouldn't be able to fit in there."

"How rude!" I whisper-yell, loud enough for Carter to hear.

Ashton starts to giggle and smile, so I place my hand over his mouth.

"Be quiet." I giggle.

"Oh yeah. They're definitely not in the closet." He says, sarcastically. Then I can hear his feet shuffling away.

Is he really that retarded to think we're not here? Idiot. I even said something from inside here.

"I heard that Cassie." He mutters, and I can imagine him raising his eyebrows.

"Our cover is blown!" I tell, and slam the closet door open and rush out of it. Bolting past Carter and hiding behind the couch. I take Ashton in my arms and hug him so that he hangs on.

Its hard though, when he's giggling like crazy.

I wonder where he is...

"Boo." A voice behinds us whisper.

"IS IT ANNABELLE?!" I scream and my head dives for under the pillow and I place it over my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

I swear that voice sounded exactly like her.

"Calm yourself Cassie." He chuckles, removing the pillow. My eyes are squeezed shut.

"No." I say stubbornly. I refuse to open my eyes.

"You're so dramatic." I feel Carter's arms pick me up and place me so that I'm actually sitting on the couch.

I hesitate to open my eyes, but I do it anyways.

God. He needs to not sound sound like Annabelle.

"I hate you." I scowl, pushing him playfully.

"Yeah. Sure."


"Slut. She's the girl that stole Carter away from Alissa!"

"Oh my god, that whore!"

"She thinks she can just step on Alissa like that, huh?"

"Look at her face. Why would Carter pick her over Alissa! Alissa is waaaay hotter!"

Nasty people. They think I stole Carter away from Alissa?

"Well, well, well." A voice behind me says.

Oh that bitch.
I turn around to face her face. I'm not scared of her, or her slutty faced posse she calls her friends.

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