(32) Sour Fish My Butt

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"Hey we should go somewhere today." Carter smirks, sitting down with me, Laila, and Tessa. Parker and Heath join him at our lunch table.

"Ooohhhh!" Laila swoons. "Are you going to sing her a song too?" She giggles.

Immediately when she asked him, his face flushed. "You told her?" He whispers to me.

"I tell Laila and Tessa everything Carty-Art." I smirk. "So you going to take me to Okie Dokie Karaoke again or what?"

"Nope." He says, popping the P.

"Tell me." I dare him.

"It's a surprise. A big one." He grins, keeping his smirk.

"Oh no is he going to propose?" Laila wiggles her eyebrows, glancing at me and him.

God she can be so stupid.

"Just meet me outside of your house at 7:00 tonight. Wear something casual." He winks, before leaving our table to go and do his own thing.

Another date maybe?

Oh this is going to be exciting.

"God, I don't have anything to wear!" I groan, kicking my closet door.

"Honey, he said casual, right?" My mom sighs, trying to relax.

"But you don't get t mom! When he says casual, he means pretty-casual. As in pretty, but casual." I try to explain, she just shoots me a confused look.

Honestly, my casual is a biggie hoodie and sweatpants or jeans and I'm not wearing that out.

"I'll just stick to the braids. Tell me when you've found something honey!" She smiles.

It takes me about an hour probably to find a decent casual outfit. I've settled on a white t-shirt with shorts and a black jacket. My mom puts my hair in a loose French braid while I do my makeup.

Before you know it, I'm waiting gone the couch watching SpongeBob.

Why exactly?

Because I want to.


"He's here honey! Break a leg!" My mom squeals, pulling me into a bear hug.

"Mom...It's not like I'm going on a date with Ansel Elgort or something. It's just Carter." I shrug.

But I'm secretly smiling inside.

"Well have fun! Can I say a word to Carter-"

"No!" I cut her off. I unlock the door and find Carter waiting outside.

"Hey loser. You ready?" He smiles.

"Yeah." I smile back. "Last one to your bike is a sour fish!" I suddenly yell.

"Sour fish my butt." I hear him mutter.

But I start to run to his bike and realize that Carter's catching up and he eventually gets in front of me.

Dork! I was supposed to be in the lead!

So I tackle Carter and land in a piggyback position. He tries to shake me off but it takes me all my strength to hang on to his back and stay there.

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