(24) Carty-Art and Cassie-Assie

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(Tuesday, After School 5:45)

"Did you win the bet?" Tessa screams through my phone.

"NO! It's cause he has crazy fan girls! He wasn't even that good!...Ok maybe he was good but, I mean...At least I get a unicorn onesie out of this." I sigh.

"Haha. Tell me more!" She laughs.

"I would've if you were at school today! But noooo, you decided to be sick." I grunt.

"Well then tell me when you're doing the unicorn thing. I would love to watch!" She giggles.

"Nooooooo!" I complain. Then I hear a text message ding.

Sexiest Guy On The Planet Sent You A Message.

"Hold on, I got a text message from Carter. I'll call you later Tess."

"Ooh is it a love message?" She mocks, making kissy noises.

"Shut up. I have to go. Byyyyeeee!"

I hang up and quickly check the text message.

Sexiest Guy On The Planet (Carter): Get ready and quick. Ashton business at home. I'll pick you up in 5.

Ashton business? What the heck? What's wrong?

I should be fine. Mom's out at work right now.

I quickly respond to him and don't change because I'm already pretty comfy with what I wore to school today. I change my shoes into comfy sneakers instead of flats this time and put my hair up in a ponytail. I open the door and wait down on the steps and wait by looking at my phone.

Another text message? From who?

Oh. Jace.

Jace: Hey, are you doing anything right now? We should go to the movies. Just as friends though...Are you still dating Carter?

Me: We're not in a relationship but I'm really starting to like him more. Shhh don't tell. But I'm going to Carter's for babysitting today, I'm sorry.

Jace: Oh.

Me: Maybe next time? I'm always busy.

Jace: Yeah. Next time...

"Hey loser! Hurry yourself up!" I hear Carter yell. I'm still waiting for another message from Jace because it says he's typing.

Hurry up Jace!

"I'm coming!"

Oh well. I'll just check my messages later.

I hop onto his bike and put my phone in my pocket.

"What was going on?" He asks me.

"I was just texting a friend." I answer. Nothing more, nothing less. Jace and I are just friends now.

"Tessa or Laila?" He laughs.


"Oh. Is he a guy?" His voice is a bit more deep.

Not this again.

"It was just Jace. He was asking if we could go to the movies tonight as friend-"

"You said no. Right?" He snaps.

Geez. Why is he always like this whenever I bring up Jace.

"Yeah because I was going over to babysit." I shrug.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I lied about there being Ashton business. He's at a friend's house right now." He smirks.


"You little bastard! Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to hang out!?" I grin, playfully shoving him. I skip up to his steps to keep up with his walk.

"Because you're fun to tease." He smiles, opening the door to his house for me. "Speaking of teasing, did you get your unicorn costume yet?" He smirks.

"I hate you." I playfully roll my eyes at him.

Once I walk in, I see Mrs. Wayford all dressed up, putting some lipstick on.

"Cassie! How are you?! It's lovely to see you! But why are you here? Ashton doesn't need babysitting..."She cocks her head to the side and shoots me a confused look.

"A certain someone decided to bring me here just for fun." I smile and embrace her in a hug.

"Oh well you two don't do anything too crazy. I'm looking at you especially Carter." She laughs. "Well I'm off to a friend's party. Have fun you two. I love you Carty-Art!" She kisses his forehead. I snicker at her sign of affection and the nickname and burst out laughing once she's gone.

"Carty-Art? What's that?" I smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up. You can't be talking, I can call you Cassie-Assie any time I want." He rolls his eyes. "So what do you want to dooo?"


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

"HARRY POTTER MOVIE MARATHON!" I scream, jumping onto his couch.

"Oh my god. You are so boring. How about we watch a scary movie or something." He grins.

"How about we don't. You heard me, we're doing a Harry Potter movie marathon or I'm out of here..."

"I didn't say I didn't want to." He rolls his eyes, again.

"Sure. Now hurry up."


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A shorter but fun chapter. I'm thinking about building up their relationship...Then I'll get to the other stuff hehe.

Anyways, Carty-Art and Cassie-Assie are still just friends. But do you think their relationship will grow? Hehe.

Just keep reading my friends! Maybe you'll find out.


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