(31) You're Just Jealous Of Emma

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By the time I get to school I see an unfamiliar white car where Carter's motorcycle used to be.

Oh shoot. I forgot about how he would get to school. Maybe this was a bad idea...

I walk over to Tessa and Laila where we usually sit. I feel more confident today though. I feel like I can last the day because of what we did last night.

"Looks like somebody's on their monthly man period."Laila laughs, pointing over in front of us where Carter was. He looks mad.

Nope. Worse than mad.

And he was walking to...


"Cassie?! Where's my bike?!" He yells at me. I shrug at him and ignore him, and start talking back to Laila and Tessa.

"Cassie, where the hell did you put my fucking bike?" He curses.

"Just because you start swearing doesn't mean I'm going to tell you. Remember Carter, I'm not scared." I roll my eyes.

"Cassie just tell me where you put my motorcycle." He fumes, his face turning red.

"If you stop being an ass and start talking then maybe I will." I nod, glaring back at him.

He grabs my arm and pulls me away, leading me straight to the back of the school.

"Tell me where it is." He grunts, avoiding my eyes.

Why is it so hard for him to talk about what happened? I just want things to go back to the way they were...

"Did you miss the part where I told you I would tell you if you stopped being an ass?" I cross my arms, staring at him. "Why won't you talk to me Carter?" I say, this time a bit softer.

He bangs his fists on the wall, "Why is it so complicated for you to tell me where it is?!"

"I'll tell you where you're bike is if you tell my why you're ignoring me. I've been trying to say sorry but you just push me away." I sigh.

We avoid eye contact and stand there for a while. I can tell that Carter is considering my deal.

"I couldn't stand it when you told me what Jace said. That's why I've been acting like a complete dick. Because I can't look at you knowing that you sort of think what he said is true." He suddenly explains, calmer this time.

"And then I thought, maybe if I push you away more I can forget all about you and what happened . But it didn't work." He continues.


"I get it. And I'm sorry for stealing-"

"No. I'm not going to let you say sorry. Because it was my fault I acted up in the first place." He finally looks up, staring at me.

"It took you long enough to say that." I grin.

"Cas, what are we?" He suddenly asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

Well I didn't expect him to say that.

"I'm not sure yet." I look down. "But I guess we'll have to wait in order to find out." I smile.

And instead of a smirk, this time he smiles back.



"Come on princess, hurry up and get ready so you can show me where my bike is so we won't have to be late for school." Carter groans, outside my door.

"I can't believe you want to go to school early." I roll my eyes, tying up my Converses. But the peace and quiet is suddenly disturbed by Carter's head banging on the door. "Just wait a second!"

"1." He counts. "That was a second"

"Wow, I can't believe you can count!" I say, fake surprised.

"Just hurry up." He whines.

"You're so impatient. Probably more impatient than Ashton. And he's like 13 years younger than you." I smirk, grabbing my backpack and opening the door.

"Now lead the way, dork." He smirks back.

"Loser." I grin, grabbing his hand and leading him to the garage.

"In shining armor." He chuckles. "I still have that note you know."

"Shut up. Here's your bike." I roll my eyes, opening the garage so that he can take his motorcycle outside.

"Oh my god! I fucking missed you baby!" He shouts, running to his motorcycle and hugging it.

"You're crazy." I giggle.

"You're just jealous of Emma." He smirks, still not letting go of his motorcycle.

"Emma? You named your motorcycle Emma?" I snicker, trying to hide it.

But it's no use.

His obsession with Emma is just amazing.

"You know you love me more though." I smirk back.

"Nah. Emma's much nicer, less snappy." He rolls his eyes, pecking Emma with a kiss.


"Really? She doesn't even talk!" I pout, giving him my best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"You know I'm kidding right? God Cas, you're so weird." He sighs, hopping onto Emma as I do too.

Yeah. I'm the weird one here...


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Really short chapter! But the next two will probably be around 1000 words. I hope I'm not overwhelming you guys! I don't want anyone to miss anything too.


I have something good planned for the next few chapters.

I'm starting to wrap up the book though :..(

And make sure to check out The Sneaker Project.

But I love ya!!!


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