(25) I'm Not A Heartbreaker

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^^^^^ The picture above would probably be how Cassie would look like, just a little bit younger. :D


"Girl you look like shit...What happened?" Tessa asks me. Carter was busy this morning so she had to give me a ride to school today. I woke up late and decided to shower and just put on a hoodie and jeans.

"Harry Potter movie marathon." I say in between yawns. "With Carter."

"Ooohhhh. That's so sweet." She mocks.

"Shut up. I got home at around 6:45 AM cause I fell asleep at the 6th movie." I yawn again.

"What time did you did you wake up?"


"Aww. Honey I feel really bad." She pouts, patting me on the shoulder. "We're here."

It's 8:25 by the time we get to school. That leaves us with 20 minutes to talk. Tessa and I walk over to the school fountain but we're blocked by a crowd that's chanting, 'fight!'

Oh my god, is there another fight? I wonder who's fighting.

Tessa and I look at each other and shrug.

I tap my finger on a girl's shoulder. I recognize her as Mia from English. "Hey? What's going on? Who's fighting?"

"Oh my god Cassie! Isn't this fight just horrible?! Is Jace and Carter!" She yells over the crowd, a look of worriment.

Carter? And Jace?

Oh no...

I didn't know they hated each other that bad!

I push my way through the crowd and don't even care when I accidentally bump into a girl. I make my way to the front and see what's really going on.

Jace is down on the floor and his nose is bleeding and his cheeks look swollen. Carter's standing up and is clutching his chest where Jace just punched him. His knuckles are bloody...

"What the heck are you guys doing!" I yell at both of them, interrupting in the middle, pushing them apart. "Stop it!"

"I can't believe she chose you!" Jace snaps out at Carter.

"What are you talking about!?" I cry.

"Asshole! Of course she would, look at you!" Carter taunts. "Go find someone else to bother other than her!" He throws some more punches at Jace, going around me.

Oh my god Jace's face.

I'm sorry. I had to.

"Carter stop! What is going on?" I try to interrupt.

Then I see the principal walking over through the crowd and figure it's no use trying to break them up.

And he shows up when they get in a fight? But not when Alissa becomes Satan?

"Enough! What is going on over here! Break it up, I said break it up! Everyone, go to your classes. We're starting class early now!" He yells. "You three! In my office at 9:00! And Jace, go to the nurse."

I Made A Bet With The Bad Boy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now