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On the short walk back to my house, I had hyped myself up to tell my mum and dad yet the second we were all sat around the table, this new found confidence quickly disappeared. Each time I tried to start to tell them it was as if the words turned into lumps that stuck in my throat, they just wouldn't come out and my mum was growing impatient.

"Cassandra!" she warns looking at her wrist to check the time on her watch

"Love, clearly she is nervous about what she needs to tell us. Give the girl a chance - do you have a boyfriend Katy-Cass?" my dad asks leaning forward to watch my every move

"Oh, God no!" I exclaim, I can't help but smile at the relieved look on his face - in a minute he is going to wish that was what I wanted to tell them

Katy-Cass... he hasn't called me that in years. I remember him taking me to the park with a friend called Katy and her dad, Mark.  While we were out I heard Mark call Katy, Katy-Cat and I was completely jealous, on the walk home dad threw different nicknames at me but none of them compared to Katy's nickname from her dad - I even asked if real dads could only come up with nicknames for their real daughters...

The look on dads face is now permanently burned into my memory... jeez I was a horrible child.

In the end, dad suggested Katy-Cass as a joke but I instantly fell in love and well, for 5 months straight that was all I would respond too but only when he spoke to me. Everyone else could call me Cassie but dad had to call me Katy-Cass, it was completely ridiculous but it still provided me with extreme comfort in that moment, it gave me a couple of seconds to think that I was 8 years old without this issue that was plaguing my life.

"Well you know the birds and the bees?" I ask thinking of an almost humerous way to tell them so everything didn't seem so serious

"Cass, I know I don't want you have sex but you really don't need the talk" my mum says before bursting out laughing while my dad just looks completely terrified at this prospect

"No mum, you need to listen" I say almost shouting, this tension was building and it was getting too much for me to handle. It worked though because she quickly straightened up again

"Yeah the birds and the bees? Well... I've been stung" I say with a lopsided, nervous smile.

There was a couple of peaceful seconds before the whole house exploded - of course not literally but as good as. Them couple of seconds provided my mum enough time to go from her normal blushed skin tone to beetroot red, my dad on the other hand just continued to stare at me without me moving a muscle, I don't know which is worse.

"I have spent your whole life warning you about this and yet you don't listen to any of it? How could you be so stupid! So go on, whose the dad?" she yells walking around the table to stand over me

"That doesn't matter, he already knows and doesn't want anything to do with it" I shrug trying to act like the calm one in the situation even though I wanted the ground to swallow me right there and then.

"So God help me if you do not give me a name in the next 5 seconds Cassandra Lucille Parker!" she continues to yell getting redder than I though possible


Oh she's super mad


I wonder if this was how her parents reacted...


She's a bit judgey to say she was pregnant at 16


Dad still hasn't moved


Why had dad still not moved?!

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