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Backing away from the clearing the smell is stuck in my nose, I can't shake it off and I know I shouldn't walk away. There IS something waiting for me near here but how long can I keep searching for something that could be completely in my head even though I knew it wasn't I had to accept reality that I hadn't found anything.

As I start to walk away it feels as though my heart is in physical pain, not like heart attack kind of pain but one that I couldn't explain. I had never felt anything like it and it was making me feel sick, I had an acidic taste in my mouth but I carried on walking back in the direction I had come from. I hear a branch snap behind me and although I stop briefly and look around me I quickly carry on, branches had been snapping every now and again since I had started walking in the forest so putting it down to animals a lot less scary than I was, I carried on walking.

Another twig snaps but this time I notice the sound from under a shoe, I know somebody is watching me and I don't know how I know but.. Well I just know that whoever it is, isn't the thing that gave me the scent. I feel sweaty, uncomfortable and out of breath but I push myself to keep walking - it's important for me and the baby that I keep walking.

I am a mere 10 metres away from the clearing when a hand wraps itself around my face to cover my mouth, I try to scream to no avail and flail my arms around as I feel my heart beat rising dramatically.

"Keep still or I'll kill you Luna" the voice growls.

Luna? They must have mixed me up with someone, due to me trying to find a way to communicate with them that they had the wrong person they think I am fighting to send a sharp punch to the side of my head giving me blurred vision and a dizzy feeling. One hand flies to massage the already forming lump on the side of my head while my other hand wraps around my bump protectively. I give up fighting but them being too quick to walk with and the funny angle that I am being held at I am being dragged across the woodland flood causing scrapes and scratches along my bare arms and legs.

"Right, I'm going to take my hand from your mouth, don't scream!" the person growls down my ear before slowly taking his hand away

I take big gulps of air as I look around wildly trying to find some sort of escape but there is nothing here that I can use to get me out of this situation. When the wind blows I catch the scent from earlier. I am filled with some sort of hope but I'm also wondering whether I was imagining things earlier and now I'm just hopeful for some sort of escape.

My eyes fill with tears as I realise there is no fighting out of this, in front of me there is a van and another man who opens the back doors, I know I'm heading for inside of there before being lead to what will most likely be my death. The first man behind me is thrown rope from inside the van by the other man, he starts to pull my arms behind my back and wrap them up tightly, I can straight away feel the blood being restricted.

A comforting kick from the baby, I am reminded that I'm not only fighting for me to get out of here but also for the little one. I need to get away from these people.

"HELP!" I start to scream, I know there isn't much chance of anyone hearing me this far out in the forest but the men start to panic to try and get me in the back of the van. Now the second man turns violent as he punches me straight in the face but I continue to scream and fight to stop them putting me in the van.

"I'll start the van" the first, clearly smaller man says rushing round to the drivers side

Now I know that it's one-on-one this is my face to try and get away, he sends a punch to my stomach but even I can tell he is only panicking as it is only a fraction of the strength he used when punching me in the face which I can feel he busted my lip doing. I double over in mock severe pain so that he follows down behind me, I immediately move up quickly to use the back of my head to knock into his head, he falls to the ground instantly and although I feel disorientated and dizzy I start running with my hands still tied behind my back. I run faster than I though possible.

"Stupid Bitch!" he groans before I hear him running after me.

I have to stop more than once to be sick but I keep running before I can physically take it no more and I crumble down behind a tree, I hear them both close by talking as they're running about how they would disappoint their master because he had told them to bring me back alive but they were going to kill me. Tears flood my cheeks as I press my hand to my mouth, I know they're werewolves with good hearing so I try to stay as quiet as possible.

Next I feel someone wrap their fist in my hair and pull me back making me squeal

"Gotcha!" the person exclaims dragging me along the floor by my hair.

As quick as he found me someone else launches themselves into him knocking him straight off of his feet so he lets go of my hair, I'm pretty sure he tore a chunk out of it but I was hurting all over and didn't even notice.

I don't see a fight but I hear it and soon enough the other man joins in and so finally after what seems like forever everything falls silent, in my hazy view I see a new man covered in blood. I shrink away in fear but his eyes look soft and friendly, he kneels down and pulls me into his arms

"I'm here now, everything is going to be okay" he whispers rocking me from side to side while stroking my face with his thumb

"You-you're bleeding" I mutter feeling very tired

"Not mine" he smirks "they won't be bothering you again.. c'mon lets get you checked over"

With that, my handsome stranger picks me up in his arms and carries me to god knows where, the more I come around, the more I pick up that scent from earlier... it instantly has the power to make me feel much better and I know that this man.. is my mate.

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