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Due to being with the Alpha of the pack I was seen straight away even though everyone was giving me very strange looks, they had smelt my scent all around the pack recently because I didn't belong there, I wasn't apart of that pack so my scent seemed even stronger to them but nobody had seen me leave the room other the Theodore and my 'body guards' so here I was, with their Alpha and pregnant.

The doctors also took one look at Marley and took him straight through too, I felt sick to my stomach at just the look of his face that I could barely see let alone recognise. I knew I could never truly hate Theodore because the bond between us wouldn't allow it but I was pretty sure I could never come closer to it than how I felt in that very moment.

"Miss?" a voice said pulling my from my thoughts, Theodore was pacing anxiously beside me with a furrowed brow and 3 doctors were stood around the bed I had been taken too

"Oh.. sorry, yes?" I ask trying to prevent my mind from wondering again as I tapped my stomach with my finger which usually caused the baby to respond with a kick in that general area but I felt nothing which made me shake with nerves 

"How far along are you?" one of the doctors ask as I watch the other one place a blood pressure cuff on my arm

"33 weeks and 4 days" I mumble, biting my lip as the cuff on my arm tightened before loosening again, it was only then that I felt something wet on my head, I lifted my hand up to the crown of my head and felt it, it was... warm and sticky?

When I pulled my hand away I couldn't help the shriek that left my mouth, blood! When I had landed after being hit by Theodore I must've hit my head but I couldn't remember doing so and it was only just starting to hurt - the adrenaline had prevented me from even realising it had happened and stopped it from hurting long enough for me to get help. Theodore's face went chalk white and I knew it wasn't because of the blood, he will have killed people as an Alpha but it was because it was me and because he had caused it.

I had managed to zone out again and was brought back to my senses with a cold gel being squirted on my stomach, they had brought an ultra sound machine into the room to check the baby, I tapped my stomach a little harder but still no response so I held my breath the entire time they were searching for the baby barely able to believe anything could be wrong

"There... there is baby - perfectly fine" the first doctor points out showing the clear outline of the heart beat thumping furiously, I then proceeded to burst into tears or more like sobs out of pure relief 

"Baby is looking a bit low down though, likely to be coming very soon - most likely premature" the second doctor says, my sobs subside long enough for a look of horror to pass my face 

"What is that supposed to mean? You said the baby is perfectly fine!" Theodore yells as if is was actually concerned about the baby...

"Alpha.. any baby born before 37 weeks is considered premature even if they are born at the same weight as a child born after 37 weeks. Even if baby was born now there is a about a 90% chance of survival, as long as you stay close to a hospital you will be fine" the third and final doctor explains with a comforting smile, she was the only female and I was thankful for it as she seemed more personalised, the other two doctors were simply telling fact not caring if they scared or upset me but she wanted to make sure I was aware of the situation and to make me stay calm

After checking out the cut on my head they were happy to leave me alone "It's mostly a superficial wound meaning only the top layer of skin has been affected, the amount of blood makes it seem worse but there is nothing to worry about there, I'm happy to let it heal on its own accord - it's unnecessary stress to stitch up a wound that doesn't need it" the female doctor smiles pulling off the gloves she had on "We're going to keep you here for observations but it's really more of a safety measure, you're doing perfect mum" she grins and it swell my heart to hear me referred to as mum 

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